Specialty in Industrial Technologies

This specialty is mandatory for students from a specialist degree.

The Industrial Technologies specialty is taken entirely in the first year of the master's degree in order to allow students to acquire the knowledge and skills that they will need in the second year.

First course

There are various itineraries that adapt the first course of the master's degree to the training in industrial technologies that the student requires depending on their level of access. The compulsory subjects of the specialty (strong grey) are adapted to the university master's format (with a more practical approach) and their objective is to enable the student to be a user of the other areas of industrial engineering.

The student must take an optional specialty subject (light gray) from one of the other specialties of the master's degree that does not correspond to his or her training in the degree of origin ( for example, a student from the Degree in Electrical Engineering may take it as an elective specialty a subject from specialties 1-10, except 6, since that is Electrical Engineering ).

Likewise, you will also have general subjects that will complement your training in industrial engineering.

Below are the most common cases. In the case of students from the GITI-US plan 2010, there are specific itineraries ( link ). Situations not contemplated will be analyzed by the Academic Committee of the master's degree.


Second course

The second year of the master's degree is common for all students regardless of the itinerary followed in the first year.

The student will use the knowledge and skills acquired in the first course (strong gray subjects) in the subjects of Product Design in Industry, Industrial Process Design I and II, and Integrated Industrial Plant Project. In these subjects she will participate in multidisciplinary groups with students from other specialist degrees, as well as students from the Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering. The methodology of these subjects is project-based learning.

Likewise, you will also have general subjects that will complement your training in industrial engineering.
