Enrique del Pozo Polidoro

Director and owner of MC2 Engineering and Systems

Industrial Engineer from the University of Seville, belonging to the third class (1968-1973).

He began his professional career in the private sector as a designer of machines and mechanisms at the Abengoa group. After serving as technical director for several companies in the same group, he founded MC2 Engineering and Systems in 1991, a company dedicated to the design and manufacture of various machinery, self-propelled vehicles and lifting and transport equipment. He has participated in numerous Spanish and pan-European R&D projects, and currently holds fifteen national and international patents. During the last thirty years he has combined work in his company with teaching as an associate professor in several mechanical engineering faculties, including the School of Engineers of Seville.

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Web MC2 Engineering and Systems

"The first promotions of the Seville School of Engineers enjoyed exceptional conditions for belonging to an OECD pilot trial, benefiting from an abundance of personal and material resources in terms of teaching staff, workshops and internships in companies that in the Spain of those Times were absolutely exceptional, which unfortunately were lost when the pilot plan ended. The graduates of those first classes were able to train in unusual conditions for the University of that time, and from the first moment we lived in an atmosphere of internationality that was advanced by several decades. to the evolution of the rest of the faculties.

The School has participated in the industrial development of Seville and Andalusia by providing well-trained technicians capable of competing in all aspects with those from other schools with greater tradition and long tradition. "I have proven that we can integrate without complexes into multidisciplinary teams of diverse origins in conditions of complete equality, if not of outright superiority."