Sergio Olivares Rodríguez

Extraordinary Award for the Best Academic Record in the Degree of Engineering of Telecommunications Technologies

One of the things I enjoyed most at ETSi was the practical approach of the degree, carrying out projects in which we were given ample freedom to apply what we had learned. Thus, the ETSI also helped me a lot to strengthen my teamwork skills, something essential today.

When I started working I realized the amount of knowledge I had thanks to the School and of which I was not aware. I think that one of the best characteristics of the US Telecommunications Technologies degree is its range of subjects, very diverse among themselves, which makes you a very versatile engineer.

I currently work as a Full Stack developer at Doofinder, a Madrid-based technology company that is in the Top 1000 fastest growing companies in Europe. I combine it with the Master in Networks and Telematic Services at the UPM. I am very happy and feel very fulfilled with what I do.
