The Endesa Chair at the University of Seville, created at the end of 2007, is based on a long and fruitful relationship between both entities, even prior to the integration of the Compañía Sevillana de Electricidad into the Endesa group. In fact, the signed agreement collects and includes previous agreements on support for master's and doctoral studies, scholarships and awards for outstanding students.
The thematic lines of action will preferably focus on quality of service, essential to maintain the competitiveness of the Andalusian productive sector, energy efficiency and respect for the environment, the use of new technologies for the development of intelligent distribution networks and the promotion of sustainable energy systems.
One of the fundamental pillars of the Endesa Chair, whose activities are now starting, will be the creation of the “Classroom of Light”, which will allow undergraduate and postgraduate students access to national and foreign researchers of the highest level in the energy sector. , both in person and through the Internet, using the pedagogical methods that the new European Higher Education Area aims to promote.
Antonio Gómez Expósito
954 48 72 83