Cristian Nieto Couple

Best Academic Record in the Degree of Civil Engineering

I would summarize my time at ETSi with two words that will always accompany me in my work as a civil engineer: sacrifice and satisfaction. Although the level of demand demanded of us is high from the beginning, this is clearly matched by the results achieved. In this way, we graduated engineers can affirm with complete certainty that we have a broad knowledge base in different areas, which makes us highly competent, versatile and problem-solving with the problems that arise in our professional lives.  

I would like to highlight the practical approach that has been given to the Civil Engineering Degree, as well as the clear commitment to quality teaching by the School, with highly qualified teaching staff who are knowledgeable about the world of work. To paraphrase one of them, teachers of attitudes and instructors of skills.


I am currently doing the Master's Degree in Roads, Canals and Ports at the UPM, which I combine with my work as a Civil Engineer in a consultancy in Madrid. There is no doubt that the training received at ETSi during the previous years is helping me to navigate my new academic and professional steps with ease.