Enrique Marenco Jimenez

Transport Engineer in Dublin

I am a Civil, Canal and Port Engineer.
I studied the Degree in Civil Engineering at the ETSI, and the last year on Erasmus at the Politecnico di Milano. After finishing, I continued with the Master of Civil Engineering, Canals and Ports at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. I worked in Madrid for a year in a consulting company. I have currently been working in Dublin as a Transport Engineer for the company DBFL Consulting Engineers for 1 and a half years. Here I have very varied tasks. From developing proposals to promote pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in a locality in Ireland, modeling the traffic network to understand the impact of these measures, carrying out transportation analysis for new construction and determining the necessary infrastructure, or carrying out new designs to resolve intersections. urban. In this company they have given me the means to develop professionally in a short time, and with a very healthy work culture, where it is understood that we are human
and that we have a life outside of work.

Enrique's LinkedIn Profile
DBFL Consulting Engineers Page

"During my degree at ETSI, I remember complaining a lot about the amount of notes to study, exams, assignments, practices, etc. It was difficult to find the motivation to spend long afternoons in the library... However, as I have gone through stages , I have been able to see the usefulness of certain subjects, and the dedication that the teachers gave to making the concepts clear. More than once I have thought: “Ah well at the ETSI they taught it better.”