Application processing

Application processing
1. Representation Grant Model
2. General Instance Model 
3. Requests to Change Exam Dates 

This right is regulated in Art. 17 of the Regulatory Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of Subjects (Approved by the Governing Council in its session of September 29, 2009), which includes the following:

  1. Upon request, students who are in any of the following exceptional situations will have the right to be facilitated in carrying out continuous evaluation activities and exams on dates other than those scheduled:
    •  Students who are representatives, who may exercise this right in the terms set forth in article 5.1.e) of the General Student Regulations.
    • Students enrolled in different subjects whose final exams coincide on the same date. In this case, the right refers to one of said exams, the date of which may be changed only once.
    • Students who are hospitalized on the date of the evaluation or have a first-degree relative of consanguinity in said situation.
    •  Death of a relative in the first degree of consanguinity on the date of the exam or in the four days prior.
    • Students who are high-level athletes or high-performance athletes, who may exercise this right in the terms set forth in article 32 of the General Student Regulations. In this case, the stated right refers only to exams that coincide with regulated sports activities.
    •  Students who need to combine studies with work activity in the event, which must be justified documentaryly, that the applicable collective agreement does not include the terms of the exercise of the right to the permits necessary to attend exams established in article 23.1.a ) of Law 8/1980, of March 10, on the Workers' Statute.
  2. In the situations included in letters b) and e) of section 1, the request will be directed, through the Secretary of the Center, to the Coordinator of the subject with a minimum of two months' notice regarding the date scheduled for the exam. . In the case of letter b), if the subjects are from a different year, the request will refer to the subject located in the higher year. In other situations, the request will be directed to the Coordinator of the subject as soon as possible and by the most appropriate means that the circumstances allow.
  3. The Coordinator of the subject, after hearing the student and the teaching staff responsible for the evaluation activity, will establish and communicate to the interested parties the new date which, in any case, must be later, at least three calendar days, than the day on which the produce communication. Unless materially impossible, in the event that there are several requests to change the date of the same exam, the new date will be the same for all applicants.

Request to change the ETSi exam date


4. Evaluation requests through the Specific Evaluation Court

This right is regulated in the Regulatory Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of Subjects (Approved by the Governing Council in its session of September 29, 2009), which establishes that students have the right to have the evaluation carried out by the Court. Specific to subject evaluation.

The tribunal, chosen by the Department Council, will be made up of three professors with full teaching capacity in the area of ​​knowledge, or related area, to which the subject is assigned.

The member with the highest rank and seniority will preside over the court and the member with the lowest rank and seniority will act as secretary.

The exercise of this right will be requested in writing, duly motivated, addressed to the Dean or Director of the Center (it will be presented at the School Secretary), who will send a copy to the Director of the Department, two months in advance of the deadline for delivery of the minutes of the call.

In said document, the recusal of members of the Tribunal may also be requested, which must be resolved by the Dean or Director of the Center one month in advance of the deadline for delivery of the minutes of the call and communicated to the interested parties.

Likewise, the evaluation will be carried out by the court when the teachers in charge of the evaluation are in the cases of abstention provided for in Law 30/92, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

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5. Appeals against Final Qualifications.

This right is regulated in the Regulatory Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of Subjects (Approved by the Governing Council in its session of September 29, 2009), which establishes that students may file, before a Specific Court of Appeal of each subject, appeal against the grades obtained in the calls for the same. The Specific Evaluation Court described in article 10 of these regulations will act as the Specific Appeal Court for the subject. Professors whose qualification has been appealed may not participate as full members of said tribunal.

The procedure will be as follows:

  1. The appeal will be presented within a maximum period of seven business days from the publication of the final grades in writing delivered to the Secretary of the Center, which will send a copy to the affected Department.
  2. Within three business days of receiving the appeal in the Department, the Secretary of the Court of Appeal will inform the teachers responsible for the evaluation of the appeal, who will, in turn, have five business days to notify the court in writing. the allegations they deem appropriate.
  3. The Secretary of the Court of Appeal will inform the appellant of the professors' allegations, who will, in turn, have five business days to submit in writing to the Court the allegations they deem appropriate.
  4. The Specific Court of Appeal will analyze the appeal document, the documents and other materials on which the evaluation and the allegations of the teachers and the appellant were based and will resolve the appeal within a maximum period of one month from its presentation. The non-school periods of summer, Christmas, Easter and the Seville Fair are considered non-working periods for these purposes.
  5. The Secretary of the Court will communicate the resolution in writing to the student and the professors responsible for the evaluation.
  6. If the appeal is upheld and affects the final qualification of a call, the resulting new qualification will be incorporated, together with a copy of the resolution, into the minutes thereof by means of a document signed by the President of the Specific Court of Appeal, the Director of the Department and the Secretary of the Center.

An appeal may be lodged against the resolutions of the appeal courts before the Rector in the terms and forms established by Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

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7. Scholarship Applications for the General Call of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

Here you can find information about the scholarships and aid offered by this ministry in the field of university education.
Requests here

8. Registration Cancellation Requests 

Registration cancellation requests: must be submitted before March 31.
It will be necessary to present the following documentation:
• Duly completed application
• Accreditation, if applicable, of the circumstances alleged to request the cancellation.

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10. Requests for refund of public prices

It will be necessary to present the following documentation:

  • Duly completed return form.
  • Proof of payment made.
  • That documentation that justifies the return.

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11. Application for issuance of the university card
13. Requests for issuance of the European Diploma Supplement (SET)

What is the European Supplement to the SET Title?

It is a document issued in two languages, which at the University of Seville are Spanish and English, which accompanies the official university degree and which reflects the learning results, accrediting knowledge and professional skills acquired by the student.

In Spain, the rule that establishes the procedure for issuing the SET is Royal Decree 1004/2003, of August 1.

At the University of Seville the issuance of the SET is regulated by the Instruction of March 26, 2008.

What does the SET offer and what purpose does it have?

The SET does not replace the degree, but rather provides more complete information on the level and content of the teachings and a description of the studies followed, in order to promote and facilitate the mobility of graduates within the framework of the European Space. higher education, facilitating academic and professional recognition between the countries of the European space.

Who can request the SET?

At this time it can be issued for first and second cycle degrees of renewed plans and bachelor's and master's degrees, and for those students who had requested their Official University Degree after September 12, 2003, the date on which the Royal Decree came into force. that regulates its issuance.

Where do I request the SET?

The SET is requested at the Secretariat of the Center where the studies have been completed, once you have paid the fees for issuing the Official University Degree.

Where do I pick up the SET once it has been printed?

The SET will be collected at the Center Secretariat. It may be withdrawn by another person other than the interested party as long as they are duly authorized by granting the corresponding representation. However, it may be sent by postal mail to the address of the interested party, upon written request.

Download document granting representation in PDF

Procedure to follow to request the SET:

  1.  The Secretariat, at the request of the interested party, will print the draft of the SET for approval.
  2. The following documentation will be delivered to the Secretariat:
    • Draft of the SET signed with the approval of the interested party.
    • Two certified photocopies of the valid DNI.
    • Duly completed application.

Download application for Engineer
Download application for Degree
Download application for Master

14. Subject Program Requests
15. Group change requests
16. Requests for accreditation of language skills

Being in possession of a certain level of language is necessary to achieve the linguistic skills required by the studies undertaken. In the case of the degrees from this School , the language and level required to obtain the corresponding title is English B1 .

Likewise, accreditation of a higher level of this language or other levels starting from B1 of a second language can serve to recognize elective credits from the common block.

Applications for language credit recognition

The recognition of credits in Degree studies for having accredited linguistic competences in languages ​​of the European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​must follow the following process:

  1. The student must request accreditation of linguistic skills at a specific level and language at the Language Institute of the University of Seville.
  2. Once granted by the Language Institute, the student will be able to consult it in the Virtual Secretariat
  3. From this moment on, the student will go to the School Secretary to submit the request for recognition of the credits that correspond to the accredited level and language. It will not be necessary to provide any proof.


  • B2 level of English: 4.5 credits in GITI, GITT, GIQ, GIA and GIC (English in Engineering)
  • B2 level of English: 3 credits in GIOI, GIEN and GIERM
  • For each level above B2 of English: 3 credits
  • For each level of a second language: 3 credits (minimum B1 and B1 in English must be accredited)

The maximum number of elective credits of the common block to be recognized for university cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity, cooperation, language accreditations and sports activities is 6 during the course of the studies.

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Recognition of certifications

To this end, students who are in possession of any of the diplomas, titles or accreditation certifications that are included in the lists of certifications recognized by the Language Institute and that are considered equivalent to level B1 or higher of the language in question, will request to the Language Institute of the University of Seville for the validation and recognition of the document provided, indicating the corresponding level of linguistic skills.
More information at the US Language Institute .