EMASESA Water Chair

EMASESA is a public company that develops water supply, sanitation and purification services in the Metropolitan Area of Seville. It is a benchmark in water management at a national and European level, always committed to the social and economic development of its environment.
As a result of this commitment, EMASESA and the University of Seville (US) join forces to carry out a project that is a technological and cultural boost in terms of the provision of the integral water cycle.
From this common interest was born the Water Chair - EMASESA (hereinafter the Chair), a tool chosen by EMASESA and US to carry out a collaboration whose main social objective is the strengthening of relationships between the University and companies, generating a important transmission of knowledge and developing awareness-raising action about the problems and cross-cutting issues that affect the water sector. Likewise, this collaboration gives rise to the promotion of teaching and interdisciplinary research activities, linked to the reality, problems and perspectives of water with a view to the development of new strategies and technologies in this area.
The fundamental objective of the Chair is to promote the development of a key sector such as water.
Not only key to life but also key to economic and social development, and what better way than to promote the progress of this sector through the US, an institution that has more than 500 years of history, being the third Spanish university in number of students and the first in Andalusia. It is a project that arises to face the challenges of the water sector, the climate emergency and generate value, combining the experience and knowledge of EMASESA and the US.
That is why on February 17, 2017, a Collaboration Agreement was signed between the University of Seville and EMASESA for the constitution of the aforementioned Chair. Its action plan is articulated through three main differentiated axes: 1. Training
2. R&D&i
3. Dissemination and events
Ramón González Carvajal
955 47 75 09 catedradelagua@emasesa.com