IoT Chair (Internet of Things)

The LoT (Internet of Things) Chair was born at the end of 2021 from the collaboration between the University of Seville and the company WoodSwallow.
Its objective is the promotion of teaching and interdisciplinary research activities linked to the Internet of Things and intelligent energy management. In addition, it seeks to bring young university students closer to the reality, organization and business culture, favoring the transition to the world of work.
Among the activities promoted by the chair, academic works related to the Internet of Things and intelligent energy management stand out, such as Smart Metering, embedded systems, real-time operating systems or sensor networks, among others.
The activities of the chair are aimed at students of any branch of engineering at the University of Seville, as well as teachers, professionals in the sector, research groups, public or private companies and associations in the sector.
Content of the IoT Chair
The activities of the Chair can be classified into three groups:
In the area of training, activities will be carried out such as:
- Awards for the best Final Degree Project (TFG) and Master's Final Project (TFM).
- Scholarships to support Bachelor's Thesis (TFG) and Master's Thesis (TFM).
- Collaboration in subjects related to IoT and efficient energy management
- Theoretical-practical days with students
Dissemination and events
Knowledge dissemination and dissemination activities linked to the areas of interest of the IoT Chair.
Research and development activities promoted by WoodSwallow and the University of Seville.