Chair of Engineering and Business Models

The Engineering and Business Models Chair created in 2022 has as its fundamental objective the promotion of teaching and interdisciplinary research activities linked to the practical application of engineering and technology in business models, so as to facilitate its promotion and usefulness. for society in all its aspects.

Likewise, it promotes a business culture in young university students through the training of different aspects related to the organization, culture and values ​​within the company, from all points of view that are considered relevant, taking care of developing training programs. and research tasks that contribute to improving the training of these subjects among students at the University of Seville.

The Chair promotes reliable academic work related to the application of engineering, as well as the different branches of technology, to the application of real problems of society from a business and service perspective.

The Engineering and Business Models Chair has been created by Ingenieros Emetres SLP

The founding company of the Chair, Ingenieros Emetres, SLP . was founded in Barcelona 40 years ago, specialized in renewable generation projects, electrical distribution, energy transportation, electric mobility, industrial systems and urban engineering, with offices in Spain, Chile, Peru, Brazil and Colombia. Technical rigor, market orientation, technological independence and the efficient incorporation of new technologies are the values ​​that have always been kept in mind in this family business, which today has more than 700 people. It is currently studying its participation in other sectors and geographies, always with the same orientation.

The chair was born with a universal vocation, that is, it invites other companies interested in developing new business models based on the development and application of engineering, technology and innovation, for which it has the teams of the Higher School of Engineers from the University of Seville, being equally open to collaboration with other universities, research centers or professional associations, so that it can transform technological talent into opportunities and business models.

Im3 is an engineering company founded in Barcelona 40 years ago, specialized in renewable generation projects, electrical distribution, energy transportation, electric mobility, industrial systems and urban engineering, with offices in Spain, Chile, Peru, Brazil and Colombia.

Technical rigor, market orientation, technological independence and the efficient incorporation of new technologies are the values ​​that have always been kept in mind in this family business, which today has more than 700 people.

Ángel Arcos Vargas