Amelia Chaves Moreno
While I was finishing the Master in Electrical Energy Systems I started working as an intern at Ingebau, a Sevillian company dedicated to the electricity market. My role focused on automating processes of an electrical marketing company by programming codes in python. At that time the company was growing and entering into new challenges, which gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about the sector. After six months as an intern, I went on to lead a team that was in charge of the daily operations of several electricity marketers as well as advising clients participating in the electricity market. After 2 years working at Ingebau, I decided it was time to continue my professional career abroad. I currently work as a consultant for Arcadis, a multinational engineering and consulting company. My team works for large investors developing projects related to the investment, development, improvement, acquisition and divestment of energy and utility assets.
First of all, I would highlight everything I learned by participating in activities within the school or university itself. I was lucky enough to be a School Delegate, organize various events such as the JEDII or ESIEM as well as participate in associations such as the Committed Engineering Classroom. These activities helped me develop skills that can hardly be covered in the classroom and that are currently essential in the world of work (assertive communication, teamwork capacity, resilience, etc.). Furthermore, thanks to this I was able to expand my network by meeting students from other degrees at the school, from other faculties of the University of Seville and even from other engineering schools in Spain. It also allowed me to interact with many teachers as well as the Management Team, which made me feel more involved with the school and gave greater meaning to all the time I spent there.
At an academic level, beyond all the knowledge acquired, I would highlight how each and every one of the subjects helped me mature by developing critical thinking and my own processes of reasoning and analysis, key elements for what, from my point of view, is the main characteristic of an engineer, his ability to identify and solve problems of any kind.