Alvaro Martínez Zapata

Construction Management and Supervision at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN)

"Every path begins with a first step. Mine was at the ETSI and with the Degree in Civil Engineering, GIC. It could have been another place or another time, but this was mine. This is how I began to take the journey that I has led me this far. Until now, I have never regretted it."

I am currently developing work management and supervision tasks at CERN , after a brief period as a freelancer in the field of consulting. My tasks range from accompanying the drafting of the project, to its supervision and reception. In them I interact with all the people involved: end users, technical offices, contractors or auxiliary services. The projects are generally industrial in nature: construction of electrical installations, buildings for scientific equipment or demolition of obsolete infrastructure.

On a more personal level, my academic-work career has been quite varied. A restless person, I have combined my studies with different activities and projects: study exchanges abroad, volunteering or international cooperation stays.