Incoming Students

Incoming Students

Information for International students who want to come to ETSi or who are already studying at ETSi.

Information for incoming students at the School of Engineering (ETSi)

Regarding language certificates, we normally require a B1 Spanish certificate (check with your home university), if you intend to attend only courses taught in English, a B1 English certificate is required instead.

Academic information can be found in the links below.

Academic Calendar 2023-24

(**) This program is totally or partially taught in English

Frequently asked questions
What can I do to study at ETSi?

You must find out about the bilateral agreements that your university has with us. In addition, you must have been selected by your university. Please ask your International Relations Office for more information.

How do I register?

All application procedures are carried out at the International Centre. More information at: . 

Approval and signature of the Learning Agreement

To process the approval and signature of the LA you must send the document in pdf format duly signed to .

Can I go as a freemover?

Yes, the procedures are done through the Student Secretary's Office. You can find information here: Registration for visitors

Academic information (academic calendar, subject timetables and exam dates)
Can I enroll in subjects I am interested in, but which do not belong to ETSi?

Within the academic offer of ETSi you can choose the subjects you want from any bachelor's or master's degree. There are no restrictions whatsoever. It is the student's responsibility to check the compatibility of timetables of the chosen subjects. It is possible to select subjects from other centers (up to three for annual mobility or two for four-month mobility). Authorization to select subjects not taught at ETSi must be requested at the International Centre.

Is there a Spanish course for exchange students at the University of Seville?

If you wish to take a Spanish course, you must apply for it at the International Center following the procedures that they will indicate. The Language Institute of the University of Seville offers Spanish courses at various levels depending on the student's previous knowledge.

Where can I find a flat?

There is a help service for the university community at .

Does the university have its own accommodation?

On the following web page there is a summary of the university's own residences or those attached to the university.

How much does it cost to rent a flat in Seville?

You can find rooms for students from around €200/month to €300/month and flats from €400/month to €800/month. But this is only a guideline.

Where is the best area to live in Seville as a student at ETSi?

If you want to live near the ETSi, but also in a central area, the best area is Alameda-Macarena. The Triana neighborhood is also close and well connected by bus.

How can I get to the Cartuja campus where ETSi is located?

Bus lines C1, C2 and 2 stop at the door of the ETSi.
Bus Tussam
There is also a stop for the public bicycle service: Sevici

How can I get my student card?

Once you have the UVUS (virtual user of the University of Seville), you can apply for the card at the following link:

How can I use the library?

Once you are enrolled, you will be able to make use of all the resources of the Library and consult and manage your procedures through .

When I go back to my country, who will sign my certificate of stay?

The certificate of stay (both arrival and departure) is signed at the International Centre.