Degree in Electronic Engineering, Robotics and Mechatronics

Degree in Electronic, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (GIERM)

The Degree in Electronic, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering aims to train scientifically and technically qualified people who satisfy the needs of industry and administration in the fields related to Electronics and Robotics and Mechatronics. These disciplines, together with telecommunications and computing with which they have an intimate relationship, have led the technological revolution that society has experienced for several decades and in which it is immersed. This revolution has not only had a great impact on an industrial and productive level but has also changed the way of perceiving reality in such everyday aspects as household appliances, cars and airplanes, and even children's toys.

In the productive sector, these materials have helped boost economic activity in general, with the appearance of efficient electronic devices in different sectors of activity: industry, energy systems, communications, aerospace sector, etc., as well as through the satisfaction of the greater needs for automation and control in the increasingly complex processes associated with the different fields of activity.

It is advisable to have a prior command of physics and mathematics, and it is advisable to have knowledge of languages, computer science and technical drawing, as well as a vocation for learning and continuous training in subjects related to science and technology, especially in the field of electronics. and robotics. Other qualities such as responsibility, professional ethics, teamwork, tolerance and commitment are also important.

It should be noted that this degree will be taught within the Andalusia TECH Campus of International Excellence promoted jointly by the Universities of Malaga and Seville. Andalucía TECH will specialize, with an interdisciplinary nature, in the areas of production, information and communications technologies and Biotech, in addition to making an important commitment to Internationalization. In this way, this Degree can be taken jointly at both the University of Malaga and the University of Seville.

The Degree in Electronic, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Seville has the European seal of international quality in engineering EUR-ACE, which certifies that it excellently meets the professional demands of engineering.


Mentions of the Degree in Electronic Engineering, Robotics and Mechatronics

After a solid and in-depth scientific-technical training you will be able to study one of the following mentions:

  • Mention in Robotics and Automation,

  • Mention in Electronic Instrumentation and Control,

  • Mention in Mechatronic Systems in Vehicles (only offered at the University of Malaga).