Degree in Aerospace Engineering

Degree in Aerospace Engineering (GIA)

The Degree in Aerospace Engineering is the first stage in the training of Aeronautical Engineering professionals (Academic Program with Successive Course in Aeronautical Engineering: PARS in Aeronautical Engineering ). This PARS aims to train scientifically and technically qualified people who meet the needs of the aeronautical industry and Administration, and air transport, as well as the transfer of technology in the aeronautical and aerospace fields.

The Sevillian aeronautical industry (which began with the takeoff of the first jet aircraft designed and manufactured in Spain), has historically demonstrated its capacity to develop technology and innovate in a relevant way in the aeronautical sector, which has allowed it to be placed among the first in the world, despite its small size.

It is advisable to have a prior command of physics, mathematics, and technical drawing, and it is advisable to have knowledge of languages ​​and computer science, as well as a vocation for learning and continuous training in subjects related to science and technology, especially in the field of Aerospace engineering. Other qualities such as responsibility, professional ethics, teamwork, tolerance and commitment are also important.

The graduate in Aeronautical Engineering will be able to design, develop and manage different aerospace vehicles, propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport infrastructure, air navigation infrastructure and any space, traffic and air transport management system.

In addition, they will have the ability to write projects, participate in the manufacture of aircraft, and will be able to carry out technical management, appraisal and certification activities, draft reports, opinions, and provide technical advice on tasks related to their specialty, exercise of genuinely aerospace technical functions and positions, as well as analysis of the social and environmental impact of technical solutions. This Degree is taught at the ETSi , which belongs to the PEGASUS network , the European organization of excellence that hosts the best Schools and Universities of Aerospace Engineering.

The Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Seville has the European seal of international quality in engineering EUR-ACE, which certifies that it excellently meets the professional demands of engineering.


Mentions of the Degree in Aerospace Engineering

After a solid and in-depth scientific-technical training, one of the following mentions (also known as specialties or itineraries) is studied, which correspond to the regulated profession of Aeronautical Technical Engineer:

  • Aerospace Vehicles (VA)

  • Airports and Air Transport (AT)

  • Air Navigation (NA)