Manuel Ortigosa Brun

Career Official of the Superior Corps of Telecommunications Engineers of the Government of Andalusia

I began my professional activity in 1998 as a technician in electronic control systems and electromagnetic compatibility in a subsidiary of the Abengoa Group. In 2000 I joined the Faculty of Telecommunications Engineers of the Junta de Andalucía as a career civil servant.

Within the Administration I have held various technical and management positions in the areas of: inspection and control of social media (2000-2001);

evaluation, implementation and audit of corporate telecommunications networks, systems and services (2001-2004); planning, coordination, regulation of the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure and services and development of technological innovation projects (2005-2014). Between 2015 and 2018 I was General Director of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Junta de Andalucía, from where I have been developing public policies to promote entrepreneurship based on innovation;

the incorporation of information technologies into the productive sector; the execution of the telecommunications and security policy of the Information and telecommunications systems of the Administration of the Government of Andalusia; and the development of Smart strategies as well as the promotion of electronic Administration services. Between 2019 and 2020 I have been Secretary General of Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, being able, from this position, to contribute to the promotion of business innovation, the development of strategic sectors in our community with instruments such as the Aerospace Strategy of Andalusia, the modernization of SMEs commercial and artisanal sectors and, in a broad sense, the planning, coordination and promotion of programs related to the development of Digital Skills, Digital Transformation and the incorporation of companies and citizens into the Information Society and the Digital Economy. .

In addition to being a Higher Engineer, I have a Master's degree in Industrial Organization and Business Management from the University of Seville; Postgraduate in Telecommunications Economics from UNED; and Executive MBA from the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

I have participated in the development of numerous regional and national regulatory developments. If I had to highlight any, I would take as a reference the participation as an advisor during the processing of Law 9/2014, of May 9, General Telecommunications.

I have had the luck and honor to be recognized with the Engineer of the Year Award (2014) by the College and Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Western Andalusia and Ceuta (COITAOC) and as Honorary Member of the EOI Club (2019) by the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

I owe a large part of who I am and what I have to the ETSi. The knowledge and skills I acquired have allowed me to continue training in other disciplines and be able to face numerous challenges with the conviction that collective effort and work always generates positive results.  

Linkedin of Manuel Ortigosa Brun