Equality, Diversity and Social Action

US Equality Plan

The Equality Plan between women and men is the instrument that includes the measures to be implemented to advance the elimination of inequalities between women and men at the University of Seville .



Achieving equality between men and women is a strategic action within society, with the university being a particularly relevant area from which these actions can be carried out.

The University of Seville has a strong commitment to Equality and a firm conviction that creating opportunities for equality is not only a matter of social justice, but also includes actions that improve functioning and represents a factor of quality, modernization and people-centered excellence.

The common goals of all universities are the training of professionals, the creation and transfer of knowledge, the promotion of culture, etc., so the introduction of the gender perspective in all university activities produces a multiplier effect that will permeate our society and will move it more quickly towards a more just and equitable society.

The activities of the organizations, by welcoming professionals trained and sensitized on equality issues, would give an important change in their objectives and ways of doing them. On the other hand, the university, as a labor organization, must also be a reference in matters of equality, implementing actions that reduce inequality, both horizontal and vertical, and providing resources that favor co-responsibility and conciliation of life. labor and personal as effective mechanisms, among others, to advance towards equality.

Our regulatory framework establishes the obligation of public powers to guarantee effective equality between women and men, and the strategy for this is considered to be gender transversality. From different areas (European, state or regional) it is recognized that inequalities between women and men occur in different contexts and on a recurring basis, and that said inequality is rooted in social structures and dynamics, so it is understood that to overcome it It must go beyond specific actions. Therefore, actions must be established that truly represent a transversal strategy, that involve comprehensive action from different areas and represent a structural change. Only through this transversal strategy can we achieve important changes in terms of equality.

And for this change to be possible, we must have the commitment, involvement and participation of everyone. Because we are all part of the change.