Francisco Jesus Rodriguez Ruiz

DeepMind researcher in the area of ​​Artificial Intelligence

After finishing my studies at ETSi, I enrolled in a Master's Degree in Multimedia and Communications at the Carlos III University of Madrid, where I also did a doctorate in "Machine Learning", completing it in 2015. When I finished, I did a post-graduate doc at Columbia University, New York, for 1 year, followed by a second post-doctoral stage with a Marie-Sklodowska Curie fellowship from the European Union, being affiliated with both Columbia University and the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Since 2019, he has been part of DeepMind, a company acquired by Google in 2014 that is dedicated to research in the field of Artificial Intelligence, where he currently works as a researcher.

In addition to providing me with the necessary technical knowledge to continue my academic training, my time at ETSi allowed me to acquire a series of skills to be able to function and solve problems during my professional career. Furthermore, it awakened in me, or at least increased, my passion for learning and research. Finally, my time at ETSi allowed me to grow personally as well as meet new friends.

Web page  of Francisco J. Rodríguez Ruiz
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