Endesa occupational risk prevention policy for Spain and Portugal.
Improving working conditions and protecting the health of ENDESA people is an essential and strategic commitment that must be achieved through the application of our Occupational Risk Prevention Policy.
This Policy, which goes beyond compliance with legal regulations, is decisively promoted by the Company's Management, must be assumed by all of us who work in it and is based on the following ten commitments:
- Guarantee strict compliance with current legislation on occupational health and safety
- Eliminate occupational risks to the extent possible, evaluating and controlling risks that could not be avoided.
- Combat risks at their source, including Occupational Risk Prevention in the design of new processes and facilities
- Integrate prevention management at all hierarchical levels of the Company
- Guarantee employees periodic monitoring of their health status based on the risks inherent to their work
- Inform and adequately train all employees so that they can carry out their work safely.
- Promote attitudes that favor the improvement of safety
- Consult and involve employees, through their representatives, in matters of prevention and occupational risks.
- Establish active controls and audits that allow continuous improvement in this matter
- Require contractors, subcontractors and suppliers to comply with both current legislation on occupational health and safety, as well as ENDESA's preventive policy.