Circular Economy Chair

The Chair of Waste Management in the Circular Economy arises in response to the important need for collaboration between academia and industry to intensify efforts in research, dissemination and training, in order to face the challenges that our society faces, and more particularly the environment and waste management sector, to become circular.

The Chair was born from the collaboration between the University of Seville, through the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, and the company Aborgase (Organic Fertilizers Seville).

The purpose of the Chair is to promote teaching, research and dissemination activities that study the reality, problems and perspectives of waste management, from all points of view that are considered relevant in the field of Sustainability in general. and the Circular Economy in particular, taking care of developing training programs and research tasks that contribute to improving training in these subjects among students and graduates of the University of Seville.

The Chair of Waste Management in the Circular Economy will program, among other actions, to meet its objectives:

  • Carrying out R&D&i activities.
  • Carrying out postgraduate and specialization courses for students and professionals.
  • The development of promotional, informative, study, and training activities.
  • The organization of meeting forums between academics, businessmen, students and/or any other people or entities directly or indirectly related to the prevention of occupational risks.
  • The completion of Final Degree Projects and Doctoral Theses.
  • The granting of scholarships and prizes.

This portal presented here aims to be the main tool of the Chair of Waste Management in the Circular Economy to disseminate knowledge and publicize the main activities carried out in the field of the circular economy. To this end, this portal will provide information on the main activities carried out by the Chair; documentation will be made available to users; Information will be provided on the main events related to the circular economy, local, Andalusian, national and international; and links will be provided with other media related to the Circular Economy.

The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Seville is a leader in environmental, sustainability and more specifically waste technologies, teaching a subject on Circular Economy and several on Waste Management in its Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs.

Aborgase is a Sevillian company, a pioneer in the sector since 1967 and a benchmark in waste management in Andalusia, dedicated to the management of urban solid waste in Seville and its metropolitan area. Likewise, through its group companies it participates in all steps of the waste management chain, such as composting, recycling, energy recovery, environmental work or engineering.

Fernando Vidal Barrero

954 48 72 22