Loreto del Valle Cebada

Career Official of the Government of Andalusia

Telecommunications Engineer from the University of Seville, with additional training at L'EPF École d'Ingénieur-es (Paris, France). She began her professional career in the private sector, working as an information systems analyst and senior consultant in different companies in the field of technology consulting. In 2002, she joined the public sector as a career civil servant in the Junta de Andalucía, where she has held different management positions in the area of ​​telecommunications networks, systems and services, and later as head of service, responsible for promotion programs. of the digital transformation of the SME.

In February 2019, he became the General Directorate of Digital Economy and Innovation in the current Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities.

Linkedin of Loreto del Valle Cebada
Web Digital Agency of Andalusia

I spent the years of the School always among books, notes and classes, believing that that was far from the real world...however, over time I realize how valuable my training was: the School taught me to be constant, to look for solutions to difficult problems and adapt to any situation. In short, it gave me tools to face the great professional challenges that were yet to come. And the best thing, without a doubt, was the opportunity to connect with some of the brightest people I have met throughout my life.