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Internships in companies for ETSi Bachelor's and Master's students
As a Bachelor's or Master at ETSi, you can complement your training with the optional subject “ Business Internships ”.
This experience will allow you to take the first steps in your professional career, developing the skills that companies require today. In addition, you will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in your studies in real projects, with the help of both public and private organizations, national and international.
According to the “Regulations of External Academic Practices of the University of Seville” , approved by Agreement 10.1/CG 23-5-17, there are 2 types of practices:
- Curricular practices are part of the Degree/Master's Study Plan as an optional subject.
The number of hours to be completed corresponds to the number of credits assigned to the subject “Business Internships”.
Each ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours of work, both in bachelor's and master's degrees. - Extracurricular internships are not part of the Study Plan, but can be carried out voluntarily during the Bachelor's/Master's Degree.
These practices are contemplated in the European Supplement to the Title as determined by the current standard. The number of hours to be carried out in an extracurricular internship must be greater than 200 hours and not greater than 600 hours or 6 months.
You can consult the slides of the external internship presentation (course 24/25) made by the management of the ETSi.
According to article 9.4 and 14.4 bis of the REGULATORY REGULATIONS FOR THE RECOGNITION AND TRANSFER OF CREDITS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLE , those extracurricular practices that have been managed from the University of Seville or any other University, under its protection, may be recognized for curricular practices. degree for which recognition is requested, provided that their accredited training program is related to the competencies inherent to the degree.
Therefore, the recognition of extracurricular practices as curricular as long as the following requirements are met:
- Curricular internships have not been taken before.
- Extracurricular internships have been managed by the University of Seville or any other University under the same degree that is being studied.
- The extracurricular internship has been completed and the number of hours completed exceeds the hours corresponding to the recognition of the subject “Business Internships” of the degree.
In both modalities (curricular and extracurricular internships), the necessary requirements for an ETSi student to carry out internships in a company are:
- Be enrolled in one of the qualifying bachelor's or master's degrees of the Higher Technical School of Engineering in the academic year in which the internship will be carried out.
- In the case of undergraduate students, they must have completed 50% of the degree credits.
- Register on the ÍCARO platform and enroll in the student internship program at the University of Seville.
Additionally, the following must be taken into account:
- Students over 28 years of age to whom School Insurance does not apply, before starting the internship, must formalize accident insurance, the amount of which will be their responsibility, and must deliver a copy of this to the Foreign Relations Service. from school.
- If the practice involves regular contact with minors, they must have, before it begins, a Negative Certificate for crimes of a sexual nature , which is in force at the time of joining them. Said certificate must also be delivered to the School's External Practice Service.
Any student who carries out external internships will be supervised by two figures:
- Academic Tutor of the University: it will be a professor from the ETSi.
- Company Guardian: person linked to the company, with professional experience and knowledge to carry out effective guardianship.
The internships in Companies will be published in the digital media indicated below:
- News Section of internship offers in companies of the ETSi (curricular and extracurricular internships)
Offer of internships in companies
- ICARUS Platform
This platform is used by University managers as a web management tool in which the entire process of searching for internships (both curricular and extracurricular) is carried out in an easy and orderly manner. The access URL to ÍCARO is https://us.portalicaro.es/.
Throughout each semester and until the month of May, the ETSi Foreign Relations office will publish through the bulletin board the curricular internships offered for each degree as they are requested by companies.
Students may sign up for the offers that interest them by following the procedure indicated in the call. It is recommended to check the notice board frequently as offers are updated regularly throughout the academic year.
- Process for awarding curricular practices:
The awarding of curricular practices will be carried out based on strictly academic criteria, as indicated in article 32.3 of the Regulations on External Academic Practices of the University of Seville.
The students of the requested degree who present themselves and meet the requirements to be able to participate in the selection process are ordered from highest to lowest average grade and the positions are assigned in that order, communicating the student data to the company. selected. After the award, the Foreign Relations office will notify the student to manage the necessary administrative procedures before starting the internship. - Enrollment procedure in the subject “Business Internships”
Once a curricular internship has been assigned, the student who is awarded must enroll in the subject “Business Internships.” For this, you may modify your registration by replacing some optional subject(s) with the subject “Business Internships”, as long as:
- This modification does not entail an economic variation in the tuition fee, that is, without changing the number of credits.
- The student has not taken any call for the subject(s) to be eliminated.
The deadline to make this modification is May 31 of the current academic year.
Another possibility is to expand enrollment to include the subject “Business Internships.”
In any case, the deadline to register for the subject “Business Internships” is May 31. The internship can begin later, as long as there is time to complete it in the academic year, but its administrative management must be carried out before the indicated deadline.
The student must contact the ETSI Foreign Office ( Curricular Practices-etsi@us.es ) so that a registration authorization document is given. This document must be delivered to the Secretariat to register.
The academic tutor may contact the student during the development of the curricular practice to monitor it, either in person or via email requesting intermediate monitoring reports.
If your internships are managed through ÍCARO
The student must submit an Assessment Report with a minimum length of 5 pages at the end of their curricular internship for the correct processing of the internship by the University. The report can be delivered 7 days before the end of the internship period through the ÍCARO platform. You must also fill out the satisfaction survey for the ÍCARO platform.
Once the student report on the ICARO platform has been delivered, this must send an email tocurricular practices-etsi@us.es requesting the evaluation of the practice by the academic tutor.
● If your practices are not managed through ÍCARO (Air Force, Non-Health practices, and others)
At the end of the internship in a company, the student must deliver the following documentation in person to the Secretary's Office:
- Final report with a minimum length of 5 pages. Said memory must contain the following information:
- Concrete and detailed description of the tasks and work carried out, as well as the departments of the Collaborating Entity to which it has been assigned.
- Assessment of the tasks developed with the knowledge and skills acquired in relation to their studies
- Detail of problems raised and procedure followed for their resolution
- Identification of the contributions that, in terms of learning, the practice has brought
- Evaluation of practices and suggestions for improvement
- Self appraisal
- Company evaluation report (sealed and signed).
- Selection record.
- Request for incorporation into the academic record.
In any case, it is important to keep in mind that the request for incorporation into the academic record must be made within the academic year in which the internship is carried out and with sufficient advance notice of the closing date of the minutes of the 2nd call, since otherwise The student must register again.
The deadline to request the evaluation of curricular practice ends on September 2, 2024.
Deadlines for internship management 2023/24 academic year:
Curricular practices: management and registration ends on May 31, 2024.
Extracurricular internships: the term ends on June 30, 2024.
The curricular practices will be evaluated on a numerical scale of 0 to 10 points based on the official grading system, according to article 23.1 of the Regulatory Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of Subjects of the University of Seville.
The overall grade for the practice will be obtained based on the following percentages:
- 40% of the overall grade corresponding to the evaluation of the Company Tutor.
- 60% of the overall grade corresponding to the Academic Tutor's evaluation. This will evaluate the practice based on:
- The monitoring carried out during the development of the practice.
- The final report that the student will deliver at the end of the curricular practice through the ÍCARO .
As in previous courses, the deadline for carrying out extracurricular internships will be throughout the entire academic year, closing the process at the end of the first fortnight of the month of July of the current course.
● Procedure for carrying out extracurricular practices
Below are the steps to follow to carry out an extracurricular internship:
STEP 1. Search for internships in a company
The student interested in carrying out extracurricular internships must search for an internship related to the degree they are studying in the indicated media:
● Online board “Internship offers in companies” of the ETSI
Offer internships in companies
● ICARUS Platform
The student must be registered on the platform.
- US Business and Employment Practices Secretariat
- The student can also promote an agreement between the University of Seville and the company that interests him and that welcomes him to carry out the internship , or seek an extracurricular internship personally. In both cases, it is essential that the company in question has signed an agreement with the US prior to the student joining the company.
STEP 2. Application for extracurricular practice
When the student finds an internship that fits their profile, they must send the documentation required in the offer description.
STEP 3. Award
If the student has been selected, the company will contact the student and give them the selection certificates.
STEP 4. Delivery of documentation
The student must deliver proof of registration for the current course and a copy of the DNI ETSi Foreign Relations office Once these procedures have been completed, the student can begin his or her internship when the company indicates it.
may require the student to appear in person to sign the selection minutes, if they have not previously done so at the company.
● Monitoring of Extracurricular Practice by the Academic Tutor
The academic tutor may contact the student during the development of the internship to monitor it, either in person or via email requesting intermediate monitoring reports.
● Completion of the Extracurricular Practice: Delivery of the final report by the student
The student must submit a final evaluation report with a minimum length of 5 pages at the end of their extracurricular internship, which is mandatory for the correct processing of the internship by the University. To do this, you must deliver it through the ÍCARO . This can be filled out 7 days before the end of the internship period. You must also fill out the satisfaction survey for the ÍCARO platform.
Once the report has been delivered by the student on the ÍCARO , he or she must send an email to evaluapractica-etsi@us.es requesting the evaluation of the practice by the academic tutor. If the student also wishes to request recognition of credits upon completion of the extracurricular practice, she must request it in person at the Secretariat by submitting a duly completed Application.
Modifications or partial cancellations of registration will not be accepted in the case of a request for recognition of credits upon completion of an extracurricular internship.
● Evaluation of Extracurricular Practices
In the event that the student requests recognition of credits from extracurricular to curricular practice (articles 9.5 and 14.5 of the REGULATORY REGULATIONS FOR RECOGNITION AND TRANSFER OF CREDITS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLE), the grade to be granted will be “PASS” or “NO”. SUITABLE”, based on the report of the academic tutor, based on the following documentation:
- Intermediate or final assessment report presented by the student on the ÍCARO .
- Report from the company tutor at the end of the internship.
Support Personnel at the ETSI for Internship Management
General information to students and companies about internships
Management of documentation and incidents
Support in “Erasmus-Internships” and international internships in general
Foreign Relations Service Office
+34 954487310