
Culture Classroom

During the University period, not everything is studying, but it is also essential to interact, meet people and know how to have fun even in times of stress. The Culture Classroom offers a wide variety of alternative cultural activities, from sports and dance to programming or plastic arts workshops. We want it to be a meeting point for students from all over the University of Seville, a place of rest and a reference among students to enjoy the time they were studying at the Higher Technical School of Engineering.

All the information about our activities on the Culture Board. We are in the basement, next to the kiosk, under the physics department.

Twitter: @CulturaEsi
Facebook: ETSi Culture Classroom

Music room

the Music Classroom is to serve as a rehearsal space for students from the Higher Technical School of Engineering as well as from any other faculty of the University of Seville who want to play with their instruments. Initiation classes are organized for people interested in the world of music; basic notions of music theory, percussion classes, guitar classes, piano classes, bass classes, etc.


Graphic and Plastic Arts Classroom

The graphic and plastic arts classroom carries out all types of activities related to painting, modeling, miniatures, DIY, posters, sewing, as well as being able to use the classroom as a workshop when needed by any other classroom or by the students who belong to it.


Role Playing Classroom

This Classroom includes all the board, card and role-playing games that are in the main Culture room. It is the largest classroom and consists of many tables, chairs and acclimatization. We also have cabinets and shelves, to store the material when it is finished using. All games and books are available to the student who requests them from the coordinator.


Dance Classroom

The Dance and Dance Classroom is made up of five groups: oriental dance, salsa, capoeira, sevillanas and funky. These activities are considered within the same classroom and project because they are physical activities that help improve knowledge, coordination and control of the body.

Each group offers free classes once or several times a week and prepares demonstrations and performances to attract new members and as an ultimate goal for existing members.
The schedules are on the Culture board.


Photography Classroom

The Photography Classroom is one of the most numerous and active of the Culture classrooms.

The Photography Classroom meetings take place on Mondays in the Cineclub Classroom, starting at 7:00 p.m.
Many workshops are taught on laboratory use, outdoor workshop, portrait workshop, photographic crafts workshop...


Martial Arts Classroom

The Martial Arts Classroom focuses its activity on making known a small part of what all this eastern wisdom entails. The members will be introduced to the techniques and the respect that they entail. Martial Arts were created with the study of the human body, with a very strong physiological component, which we will try to understand while explaining the main techniques. As activities we carry out “Personal Defense” on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Full Contact on Tuesdays.

Cineclub Classroom

Cineclub is a classroom oriented to cinematographic culture whose main function is to screen films, documentaries and series and, subsequently, comment on and debate them. It also has diverse material for recording and making short films.


Engineering Gala

The ETSi Culture Classroom is preparing to hold the Engineers' Gala, an entertainment space intended mainly for ETSi members (both for participants and the public) where topics such as daily life at school and at the university, and there is “intelligent” related to the field of engineering, while awards are given to the professors most voted for by students.


Twitter: @Gala_Ingenieros