High Performance in Science and    Technology in AN dalucia


VIII Andalusian Open Day

The ETSI of the University of Seville carries out different dissemination activities about its academic and research activity, aimed mainly at students in their final year of pre-university training, with the assurance that a close knowledge of this Center will help potential students of Engineering majors to make the right decision about the university center where they will continue their studies.

Scientific-Technological stimulation in pre-university courses, the ETSI Management organizes

The VIII Andalusian Open Day, ARCYTAN 2023,

High Performance in Science and Technology in ANdalu ía, which took place on  December 12, 2023 , for:

1st year Baccalaureate students , with


24 accrediting AWARDS


most outstanding students will be invited to participate in a


Scientific -Technological STIMULATION PROGRAM ,

ARCYTAN 2023-2025,


which will be taught at the ETSI parallel to the Baccalaureate of the students who are awarded.


1. Requirements of participating students
  • Be studying the first year of Baccalaureate during the current 2023/2024 Academic Year in a center in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia .
  • Have taken the subjects Technology in the 3rd year and " Mathematics " and " Physics and Chemistry "  in the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education.
  • Having obtained a minimum average grade of

9.00 points

carried out on the subjects mentioned in the previous paragraph, which will have to be documented prior to the day of the Conference by sending a certificate from the center that registers the student to the address :

The deadline for sending supporting documentation will be December 5, 2023.

2. Registration and selection

The registration of students who wish to participate will be carried out by the Centers in which they pursue their Baccalaureate studies in the 2023/2024 academic year, through a form sent to the secondary and baccalaureate centers, with a deadline of up to on December 5, 2023 . If your center has not received the invitation, you can contact us at the email address that appears in section 1.

Centers may enroll as many students as they wish, as long as they meet the requirements set out in section 1 of these rules. The centers must order their participants by preference , from highest preference (1) to lowest preference (n, with n being the number of total students registered by the Center).

Once the registration process is completed, and depending on the total number of applications and the available capacity, the ETSI will set the maximum number of students admitted per Center , which will be the same for all participating centers . , except for those centers that do not reach the aforementioned maximum number , in which case all students will be enrolled. The ETSI will inform the centers by email of the students finally admitted for participation in ARCYTAN 2023.

3. Awards

will be awarded :

  • 24 Diplomas accrediting the students with the best grades in the test:

Gold Distinction ( 3 ), Silver Distinction ( 6 ) and Bronze Distinction 15 )

  • ARCYTAN Stimulation Program aimed at the 24 students who obtain a Diploma.
4. Organization of the sessions

The Conference will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and will be organized as follows:

  • 3:30 p.m.: Opening ceremony in the ETSI Assembly Hall.
  • 4:00 p.m.:  Taking a test at the ETSI offices of the registered students.
  • 5:00 p.m.:  Rest.
  • 5:45 p.m.: Visit to ETSI Workshops and Laboratories.
  • 7:00 p.m.: Awards ceremony in the Assembly Hall and Closing.
5. Test

The test will consist of basic questions about Mathematics , Physics , Chemistry and Technology from the subjects of the last years of Compulsory Secondary School. Preferably, they will be content from 4th year of secondary school (for the subjects of Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry), and from 3rd year of secondary school for the Technology part .

The test will be carried out using the computers of the ETSI Calculation Center. In the event of any computer problem, paper may be used for the test, so students must bring writing material. The use of calculators will not be allowed.

6. Jury

It will be made up of ETSI Professors appointed by its Directorate . The jury's decision is final.

7. Verification and control

The ETSI will verify with the means at its disposal those relevant data that serve to obtain the aforementioned awards.

The awards may be revoked if it is discovered that data was hidden or falsified during their granting, with the student being obliged to return the award received to the ETSI.

Beneficiaries may resign at any time, and must submit the request in writing to the Secretary of the ETSI.

8. Final provisions

1st - In application of the principle of transparency and loyalty regulated in the General Data Protection Regulation RGPD EU 2016/679 and in LO 3/2018 on Protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, you are informed that the University of Seville is responsible for this processing, which aims to carry out activities for guidance , incentives, encouragement of university study and attention to pre-university and university students. The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the controller, and for the fulfillment of a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the controller.

aforementioned regulations, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, as well as other rights that you can consult, along with more detailed additional information, in the data protection

2nd -  References to people, groups or academic positions appear in this call in the masculine gender, as an unmarked grammatical gender . When appropriate, the citation of the corresponding precepts in the feminine gender will be valid .

9. Dates to take into account
  • End of registration period : December 5, 2023.
  • Final communication of registered students: December 11, 2023.
  • ARCYTAN Open Day Day: December 12, 2023.
  • Start of the ARCYTAN 2023-2025 program: January-February 2024.