Projects and Scientific Production

ETSi researchers at Prisma
Projects and Collaborations of Departments and Research Groups of the ETSi

Report on scientific production of the ETSi PDI during 2023


Applied Physics III184      123
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineer. Fluids 4954221 1165
Construction and Project Engineer. Eng. 41       5
Systems and Automatic Engineer896351 3 1 162
Electrical Engineer20133  1 1442
Electronic Engineer6085211 2180
Energy Engineer51173  1 2175
Graphic Engineer193171    141
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineer3912   2   53
Chemical and Environmental Engineer4936 1  5165
Telematics Engineer641      11
Eng. and CC. Materials and Transportation 464111   1 63
Applied Mathematics II431     1 45
Mechanics Continuous Media61247 12   95
Org. Industrial and Management Companies I 231741 2 2150
Org. Industrial and Management Companies II 1423      19
Signal and Communications Temperature54     1 10
TOTAL596185698513 1711904

Source: Prisma. Overview of US Research. This tool extracts its data from Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed and Dialnet .


Distribution of Thematic Areas
