I am a company

Internships in companies for ETSI Bachelor's and Master's students

For companies, the professional internship plan represents a real opportunity. Thanks to their participation in the optional subject “Business Internships” , students from the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi) can develop the skills acquired during their studies and have the first contact with their future job placement. At the same time, interns provide qualified talent to the entities in which they collaborate.

Business practices information for companies

Frequent questions
What types of internships exist?

At the University of Seville there are two types of internships:

1. Curricular internships: these are internships that are included in the curricula of the degrees taught at the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI). Students must enroll in the subject “Business Internships” once the internship is assigned.

  • Undergraduate students: internship of 225 hours, 2 months at 5 hours/day
  • Master's students: practices whose hours correspond to the number of credits of the subject (25 hours per credit) , maximum 300 hours for subjects of 12 ECTS credits and 375 hours for 15 ECTS.

They are internships at no cost, both in the concept of scholarship or study aid and in the management fee, since there is no obligation to pay aid to the student. In this case, only a selection document is generated that is signed by all parties.

If the company wants to pay for tuition fees through the ETSI, an economic management agreement would have to be previously made with AICIA, an economic intermediary with the ETSI, with the choice of payment method and assuming the cost of all expenses generated. and which must be paid to the ETSI, before the start of the practice. In this case, the ETSI registers the student with Social Security (non-subsidized) and accident insurance.

The curricular practice must be completed prior to the end of the current academic year (August 31).

Once the curricular practice is completed, it can be expanded with extracurricular practice. They can be carried out with a minimum of 200 hours and a maximum of 600 hours (6 months at a 5h/day shift).
This expansion of extracurricular practices entails financial management by the ETSI, or only management fees and accident insurance.

Curricular internship management period: management and registration ends on May 31.

2. Extracurricular internships: also for undergraduate and master's students. They can be carried out with a minimum of 200 hours and a maximum of 600 hours (6 months at a 5h/day shift).

In these practices there are two management possibilities:

  • Payment of the student aid fund through AICIA , economic intermediary of the ETSi: minimum 250 euros/month. AICIA economic management agreement must be signed. There is registration in Social Security (the amount of which is a fixed fee per calendar month of 51.05 euros regardless of whether the registration corresponds to the full month or a few days) and accident insurance for the student. The entire internship period will be invoiced and must be paid by the company to the ETSi before the student joins.
  • Payment of the aid package to the student directly by the company . The company will reimburse the student aid fund on its own and will register the student with Social Security. In this case, the ETSi, through AICIA, will generate a single invoice at the beginning of the practice, as a management fee. From January 1, 2023, the management fee is €50/month + VAT , regardless of the amount of the aid fund.

The company must send by email to relemp-etsi@us.es , the following documentation:

  • Signed and sealed selection certificate.
  • Copy of the student's ID.
  • Copy of the registration certificate for the current course in which the student is enrolled.

In payment method B, it is not necessary to sign an AICIA economic management agreement.

Management period for extracurricular internships: the management ends on June 30.

How is billing for internships managed?

The corresponding invoices will be issued by AICIA under the contract associated with the Contracting File for public service management, in the interested management modality 11/VTT04, corresponding to the “Economic Management of Internships in Companies of ETS Students of Engineering of the University of Seville” , approved by resolution of November 29, 2014; all of this in accordance with the “Technical Prescriptions for the Contracting of Public Service Management in the Interested Management Modality, of the Economic Management of Internships in Companies of the Students of the Higher Technical School of Engineering” .

What requirements must a student meet to join the internship?

It is an essential requirement that the student be enrolled for the entire duration of the internship. All practices must have ended on September 30 of the current course.

In the case of extracurricular internships, the company must have paid the invoices issued before the student joined.

Guide to offering company internships to ETSI students

Step 1. Signing of the external internship agreement with the University of Seville

Companies interested in collaborating with the ETSI by offering company internships must previously sign an agreement with the University of Seville, if they have not done so previously, establishing the bases of that collaboration. The management of agreements with companies is carried out through the Secretariat of Practices in Business and Employment of the University of Seville.

For more information click here .

Step 2. Publication of the internship offer on the Ícaro platform

The company must publish internship offers on the ÍCARO

The ETSi Foreign Relations office, having received the offer of internships for ETSi students through ÍCARO , will also publish said offer on its “Company Internship Offer” notice board. It is also the Foreign Relations service of the ETSi, which manages the collection of documentation for each of the published offers.

Step 3. Student selection

  • Curricular practices. The student is selected based on their average grade and their data is notified to the company from the ETSI External Relations Department.
  • Extracurricular practices. Once the CVs of the students interested in the offered internship have been received, the ETSI Foreign Relations service will send said documentation to the company so that it can select the candidate. The company informs the ETSI Foreign Relations service of the selected student so that the process of managing the internship with the student can begin.

Contact information

Rosa María Vela Martín Department of Foreign Affairs
Higher Technical School of Engineering
Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n
Telephone : 954.48.73.10
Email: relemp-etsi @us.es

Deadlines for internship management

Curricular practices : management and registration ends on May 31.

Extracurricular internships: the term ends on June 30.

Support Personnel at the ETSI for Internship Management

General information to students and companies about internships
Management of documentation and incidents
Support in “Erasmus-Internships” and international internships in general
Foreign Relations Service Office
+34 954487310