Association of Aerospace Students , EUROAVIA, is a student initiative that operates at the European level and has its origins in studies related to aeronautics, aerospace engineering and other similar fields. It was founded in 1959 and currently consists of 38 local groups distributed in 19 European countries, bringing together more than 2000 members in total.

As a non-profit and non-political association, EUROAVIA is managed entirely by students and its activities are financed by member fees.

EUROAVIA Seville is a local association that is part of EUROAVIA. It was created by a group of aeronautical engineering students from the ETSI in June 2008 and unanimously accepted by the international commission as an affiliated association in October of that same year. In addition, it is the recognized association of the University of Seville with the most members and greatest activity.

The particular projects are financed by sponsors and participant fees and organized by the Board of Directors made up of 7 students from the school who are elected each year through voting.

After 7 years of effort and dedication, our local headquarters, EUROAVIA Sevilla, has established itself as the leading local headquarters at the European level, serving as an example and mentor for the rest. An association has been consolidated, made up of more than 200 members, characterized by not being satisfied with developing their academic training within the School, enhancing skills and aspects of their lives as important as leadership, teamwork, languages ​​or mobility. .

Board of Directors

President: Alejandro Cantizani Estepa alejandro.cantizani.estepa@ Secretary: Antonio Manuel Cano García
Treasurer: Enrique García Palomares 


EUROAVIA's objectives are:

  • Establish a union between aerospace engineering students from across the European continent and stimulate cultural exchange of members.
  • Provide information on company scholarships, European research centers of excellence, interships, etc.
  • Create a group that can represent aerospace students internationally and thus reduce the distances between students and companies in the aerospace sector.


Proposals for 2022

From now on, the main objective will be to maintain the continuity of the activities carried out, reach the high bar that our predecessors have left us and contribute new projects to escape monotony. In order to complement the training and bring students of our branch closer to what will be their professional future, we propose the following cultural activities to carry out, both internationally and locally. Among the international ones, we can highlight:

  • Annual Congresses: The representatives of the different local offices meet biannually in two congresses: The EMEAC (Electoral Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress) and the AMEAC (Annual Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress) . In these congresses, the future of the association is decided at a political, economic and social level.
  • Fly-Ins: Organized by a local association, it is a week-long event for participants belonging to EUROAVIA. These students from different places in Europe have the possibility of attending both cultural and aeronautics-related visits, as well as conferences and social events in the organizing city.
  • Symposiums: Similar in nature to the previous one, it differs in being a more technical and educational program. It consists of visits to companies, conferences and workshops (engineering, training and leadership...).
  • Cultural exchanges: Event organized by two local groups that aims to bring both associations closer by carrying out an exchange between students.
  • Contests: Organized by local offices, EUROAVIA International or companies.

In addition to the different events there are the different working groups. The diversity of tasks they carry out makes each of the partners feel identified with one of them.

At the local level, a series of numerous activities are organized that places us as the most active among the 38 locations:

  • Local visits to leading companies in the sector, airports, military bases, etc. The visits that are most interesting for members are: FAL A400M, Morón de la Frontera Air Base, INTA of Mazagón and the visits that take place once a year, outside the surroundings of Seville.
  • Social events to consolidate the association, to share experiences and knowledge and to find motivation among multiculturalism.
  • Participation in the organization of external events related to aeronautics. The purpose of this is to combine the good academic preparation that we receive daily in classes with the skills that the industry requires of an engineer, such as teamwork, public speaking, leadership, good level of languages, etc.
  • Technical workshops, such as designing and launching rockets, programming in C using Arduinos and practical application, such as assembling Robots.
Benefits of belonging to EUROAVIA Sevilla
  • Working groups and scholarships: One of the great advances of the association is that it maintains working groups among the members of all local associations and in which anyone who belongs to it can participate. Some of them are dedicated to the distribution of the association's news (PR Working Group) . Likewise, there are groups in charge of coordinating online activities (Information Technology Working Group) . But without a doubt, the most interesting is the EYE WG, the portal for young aeronautical engineers, which offers the possibility of bringing companies closer to the association's students and vice versa. To do this, the EYE WG develops a database of Curriculum Vitae (CV) , job offers and scholarships offered by important companies in the sector.

The opportunity is also offered to participate as a member of the board of the international, a role with great responsibilities and good academic repercussions.

  • English: The language of the association is English, although locally it operates in Spanish. International activities are carried out in English, which is a very good opportunity to practice the language and improve in technical aspects that are difficult to acquire otherwise.
  • CV: All the association's activities have an academic component, so participating in its activities means enriching your CV with training experiences in different places in Europe. Furthermore, most of these activities are sponsored by important companies in the world of the aeronautical industry such as EADS, Brunel, Von Karman Institute, Rolls-Royce or ESA.
  • Personal and professional enrichment: Participating in activities with European students with other cultures and educational systems allows them to directly face the European academic and work reality, significantly improving their communication, leadership and teamwork skills so valued by large companies.
  • Get to know Europe: Participation in one of the many activities organized annually by EUROAVIA in various places in Europe allows the student to get to know, in a very suitable environment and with great economic advantages, different cities that would possibly be difficult to visit otherwise.
  • Fun: EUROAVIA presents itself not only as a student association that celebrates activities related to the aeronautical world, but at the same time guarantees personal and social development that are widely valued in all the events that take place.