I am a teacher

Internships in companies for ETSi Bachelor's and Master's students

The role of the tutor teacher is key in the proper development of a student's internship. Her work must be to accompany and support the students. Specifically, she must attend to two functions:

  1.  Ensure the normal development of practices.
  2.  Monitor them, coordinating the relationship between the student and the tutor of the collaborating entity.

Information on internships for teachers

Frequent questions
What types of internships exist?

According to the “Regulations on External Academic Internships of the University of Seville” , two types of external internships are established:

  • Curricular practices: they are configured as activities that are part of the Study Plan in question. That is, they are regulated subjects within the study plan of a degree: “Business Internships” subject. In the case of the degrees from the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi) , they are optional subjects for both the bachelor's degrees and the master's degrees taught at the ETSi . The number of hours to be completed corresponds to the number of credits assigned to the subject “ Business Internships ”.
      For example, in the case of degrees, if the subject is worth 9 ECTS, the student must complete 225 hours. Each ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours of work, both in bachelor's and master's degrees.
  • Extracurricular internships: are those that students may carry out on a voluntary basis during their studies, and which, although having the same training purposes as curricular internships, are not part of the degree curricula. However, if a student carries out an extracurricular internship, this will be included in the European Supplement to the Degree as determined by current regulations. The number of possible hours to be carried out in an extracurricular internship must be greater than 200 hours and not exceed 600 hours or 6 months.

Any student who carries out external internships will be supervised by two figures:

  • Academic Tutor of the University: it will be a professor from the ETSI.
  • Company Guardian: person linked to the company, with professional experience and knowledge to carry out effective guardianship.
What is my role as an academic tutor?

The rights and obligations of the academic tutor are included in Chapter V of the academic practices regulations of the University of Seville. The tutor will ensure the normal development of the practice and will monitor it, coordinating with the student and the tutor of the collaborating entity.

How do I access the ÍCARO platform?

When a professor is designated as a tutor for a practice, he or she will receive an email from the address no_responder@ual.es with the subject "Assigned as Academic Tutor." This is an informative email containing the name of the student and the company in which the internship will be carried out. To obtain the student's contact information, it is necessary to access ICARO and, after logging in, view the internship data in the "Tutored" tab in the menu on the left of the screen. A table will be displayed there with the data of the students and the companies where they carry out the internships. By clicking on the student's ID you can access their resume and contact information.

The academic tutor can access ICARO with their UVUS and password, through the address https://icaro.ual.es/acceso/ . In case of access problems, you must contact the Foreign Relations Office ( relemp-esti@us.es ).

How do I evaluate practices?

Once the practice is finished, and when the student and the tutor from the collaborating entity have prepared the final report, the tutor will receive an email from the ETSi Secretariat attaching both reports and requesting the evaluation of the practice.

1. Curricular practices must be evaluated numerically from 0 to 10 according to the official grading system of the University of Seville.

The overall qualification of the curricular practice will be made based on the following percentage:

  • 40% of the global grade corresponding to the global evaluation of the company tutor.
  • 60% of the global grade corresponding to the academic tutor's global evaluation.

    The academic tutor will qualify based on:
  • The monitoring carried out by the academic tutor of the practice. For example, monitoring can be based on the request for a brief report from the student after completing the first month of the internship or an interview by telephone or in person, to find out if the training project established by the company is being fulfilled, if the student is complying with the activities indicated and with the set schedule, and to know the student's satisfaction or problems that may have arisen.
  • The final report that the student delivers upon completion of the curricular practice , which will be sent by email to the academic tutor from the Secretariat.
  • Report from the company tutor, which will be sent by email to the academic tutor by the Secretary.

2. Extracurricular practices are evaluated “PASS” or “NO PASS” based on the report of the academic tutor where he reports “favorably” or “unfavorably”. The academic tutor will evaluate the practice taking into consideration the points cited above.

Does the supervision of External Practices in Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the University of Seville count as hours of face-to-face teaching?

According to the Regulations on the Academic Dedication of Teaching Staff for the 2018/2019 academic year (Agreement 9.8/CG 8-5-18), article 13.1, the supervision of External Practices in Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Seville will be counted as hours of face-to-face teaching in the Teacher Assignment Plans (PAP).

The regulations state that “1 hour of annual dedication will be recognized for each student and 6 ECTS credits for the subject, with a maximum of 20 hours per year.” In addition, it is specified that the Tutoring of External Practices in Bachelor's or Master's degrees from the University of Seville assigned in the 2018/19 academic year will count for the tutor in the 2019/20 academic year. That is, the teaching assignment is carried out in the 2018/19 academic year, and this teaching is counted as a reduction in the PAP for the 2019/20 academic year.

In the case of the curricular practice subjects offered in the degrees taught at the ETSI, the previous paragraph implies the following assignment in the PAP:

  • Subject “Business Internships” of the Degrees: all are 9 ECTS.
      For each supervised practice, 0.15 ECTS credits or 1.5 hours per year will be assigned.
  • Master's “Company Internships” subject: if it is 8 ECTS.
      For each supervised practice, 0.13 ECTS credits are assigned, or 1.3 hours annually.
  • Master's “Company Internships” subject: if it is 10 ECTS.
      For each supervised practice, 0.16 ECTS credits are assigned, or 1.6 hours annually.
  • Master's “Company Internships” subject: if it is 12 ECTS.
      For each supervised practice, 0.2 ECTS credits are assigned, or 2 hours per year.
  • Master's “Company Internships” subject: if it is 15 ECTS. For each supervised practice, 0.25 ECTS credits are assigned, or 2.5 hours annually.


What is the maximum possible allocation to a teacher for tutoring curricular practices?

The maximum possible assignment to a teacher for supervision of curricular practices is 20 hours per year or 2 ECTS.

In accordance with the procedure for assigning supervision of external internships to ETSi teachers , approved at the School Board held on July 21, 2017, the assignment of each curricular internship is accompanied by the supervision of an extracurricular internship, which does not imply according to teaching reduction regulations.

Exceptionally, if a teacher helps in the search for curricular practices or has obtained curricular practices for students, and requests to be an academic tutor for said practice, he or she will be recognized as such.

Support Personnel at the ETSI for Internship Management

General information to students and companies about internships
Management of documentation and incidents
Support in “Erasmus-Internships” and international internships in general
Foreign Relations Service Office
+34 954487310