expon@us mailbox
Welcome to the Electronic Mailbox for Complaints, Suggestions, Congratulations and Incidents of the University of Seville, EXPON@US
Through this tool, students, university staff and citizens in general have a system that allows them to express any complaints, suggestions, incidents, claims, and congratulations they wish related to the academic activity or services provided by the university. University of Seville in relation to any of its Degrees, Centers, Departments and Services.
Complaints, suggestions, incidents and claims filed through this system, in no case may they be considered a claim prior to judicial proceedings against the University of Seville , in the terms contained in Law 39/2015, of October 1 , the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure , nor will they in any way imply the initiation of an administrative procedure.
This is a system completely independent of the actions of the University Ombudsman and its objective is to channel those issues related to quality management and improvement of the public service we provide.
We also inform you that no complaint, suggestion, incident or claim that contains disqualifications or insults and that, therefore, violates the university spirit inspired by the principles of equality, freedom, justice, solidarity and pluralism will not be attended to.
The literature contained in this environment uses non-sexist language. References to people, groups or positions cited in the texts in the masculine gender, for economy of language, should be understood as an unmarked grammatical gender. When applicable, the mention in the feminine gender will be equally valid.