INDRA Chair of Space Surveillance

The INDRA Chair in Space Surveillance seals a strategic collaboration between the University of Seville and INDRA, established to promote excellence in teaching activities and interdisciplinary research in the field of Space Surveillance and Defense. INDRA is one of the main global technology and consulting companies, a leader in Transportation and Defense solutions, standing out especially in the space sector with developments such as the S3TSR special surveillance radar at the Morón de la Frontera air base, which places Spain at the forefront of European space surveillance technology.


The training of students will be benefited through conference programs, specialized courses and technical conferences within the framework of the Chair, as well as by the proposal of scholarships on topics related to space surveillance on which students will be able to develop their work. end of degree and master's degree. The Chair maintains research projects focused on space surveillance and the future Space Traffic Management (STM), and collaborates closely with key entities in the sector such as the Spanish Space Agency, the European Space Agency, INTA, COVE (Space Surveillance Operations Center) and ROA (Royal Observatory of the Navy).


The Chair is especially linked to the Bachelor's degrees in Aerospace Engineering, Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering and the Master's Degree in Space Systems Operations (MOSE) of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI).


Rafael Vazquez Valenzuela