ICT support for teaching

Teaching support Computing Center service characterized by:

  • Hardware and Software maintenance of the computers in the Teaching Classrooms.
  • Connection to the School network and the Internet of the computers in the Teaching Classrooms.

Reservation of computer rooms

The Calculation Center has 11 computer rooms, located in the northern area of ​​Mezzanine 2 of the Plaza de América building of the Higher School of Engineering, for carrying out supervised practices that require the use of computers.

HALL313314315316317318319320321322J. TOMBSSEM
PCS No.525015162524284646252515
Maximum No. of Students535530324044324649343415




In case of detecting any incidence in teaching classroom computers, these can be notified through the request for an incidence in teaching classroom (available in the efforts section), directly in the user's information office, or telephone at 95 448 61 31

. (In the event that the deficiency found was the exhaustion of the keyboard or mouse batteries, they must request their replacement to the calculation center) .