Quality Assurance Systems

Quality Assurance Systems in the ETSi

The degrees taught at the ETSi are periodically subjected to accreditation and quality evaluation processes and their quality assurance system by the National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation ( ANECA ) and the Agency for Scientific Quality. and University of Andalusia ( ACUA ).

In addition, all Bachelor's degrees and a large part of the Master's degrees have the EUR-ACE , which endorses the training program of engineering degrees, complying with the international standards established by the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education. ( ENAEE ).

The ETSi has received the following recognitions throughout its history:

2009 ISO 9001 Certification for Secretariat, Foreign Relations and Mobility and Practices in companies.

2010 Positive assessment by Aneca of the Center's Internal Quality Management System in the AUDIT Program for adaptation to the EHEA.

2011 " Seal of Excellence 300+ EFQM Model (European Foundation for Quality Management).

2014 " Seal of Excellence 400+ EFQM Model (European Foundation for Quality Management).

2021 Renewal of ISO 9001 Certification for Secretariat, Foreign Affairs and Mobility and Internships in companies.

The ETSi belongs to the following networks, along with the best Engineering Schools in Europe:
TIME Top International Managers in Engineering Network
Pegasus European Aeroespace Engineering Universities Network
RMEIM Mediterranean Network of Engineering and Management Schools

The SGIC is complemented by the Degree Quality Management System (SGCT) applicable to all Degrees and Masters taught at the ETSI: