Professional outings

After completing the Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering, the Aerospace Engineer is empowered to practice professionally in the field of aeronautical science and studies related to air navigation: Aerospace Vehicles, Air Navigation, Airports and Air Transport. The training of the Aerospace Engineer enables him to perform the following functions:

  • Project, verification and technical-experimental testing on land, sea and air of models and prototypes of aerial material intended for the State or public services.
  • Management, organization and implementation of official experimental facilities for aerial material research.
  • Issuance of navigability certificates, inspection and periodic or extraordinary reviews of specifically Aerospace material.
  • Inspection of manufacturing in industries that dedicate their activities to the construction and repair of aerial equipment.
  • Overall technical project and special installations that are considered essential. All of this relates to material for airlines, airports and aerodromes of all categories, including runways and departure and arrival devices, infrastructure works, beacon installations, lighting and communications.
  • Joint technical projects related to network installations, flight protection elements and services.

You can create your own company or freely practice your profession as an advisor and consultant in aerospace engineering and technology. You can also opt for Public Administration (official or work staff of the European Union, state, regional and local); technology transfer, development and innovation (public or private centers and innovation and development departments of large companies), and teaching.