
Title Quality Assurance Commission
Title Commission

Horizontal and vertical coordination
Coordination of teachings

Degree Quality Management System
Minutes of the Degree Quality Assurance Commission

Minutes of the Center's Quality Assurance Commission

Consultation of Degree Quality Indicators in US
Quality - Degree Indicators

International seals
EUR-ACE International Quality Seal for Engineering

Obtaining this International Quality Seal:

  • It guarantees that the degree meets the quality criteria established beyond our borders, criteria agreed by international quality assurance agencies in higher education, based on international standards recognized by employers in Europe.

  • It recognizes the quality of the degree with a Seal inside and outside of Spain where it is taught, this recognition being an incentive for potential students to choose it, because this accreditation offers reliable information on the quality of the degrees that obtain an International Quality Seal.

  • It assures employers of graduates that the knowledge and practical skills of its graduates meet a series of international educational standards in the field of the Seal title.

The validity period can be consulted on the ANECA .

All students who have completed the study plan since December 3, 2017 EUR-ACE® graduates