Degree in Energy Engineering

Degree in Energy Engineering (GIE)

This degree trains future professionals with knowledge of the scientific foundations and engineering principles related to the technological areas of energy engineering . It will provide them with the necessary skills to apply these fundamentals to the formulation and resolution of complex problems related to professional activities in the field of:

  • energy resources

  • Power generation technologies

  • The use of different renewable energy sources

  • Storage, transportation and distribution of energy

  • The transformation and use of energy

  • Savings and energy efficiency

  • Energy management

  • Energy markets and demand and supply management

  • Environmental, economic, legal and safety aspects in the energy field

  • Product refrigeration and air conditioning technologies

It should be noted that these objectives include topics related to both traditional energy sources and new energy sources, fundamentally renewable. With this, the aim is to train engineers who understand and master traditional energy technologies and who can address the design and implementation of newer ones that are emerging rapidly, in step with the development of renewable energies and as a consequence of the introduction of criteria of sustainability in energy systems.

These skills can be applied in sectors that give rise to greater energy consumption, such as industrial, building and transportation.

Graduates will be able to develop their activities both in the Administration and Public Organizations and in private companies.

The Degree in Energy Engineering from the University of Seville has the European seal of international quality in engineering EUR-ACE, which certifies that it meets the professional demands of engineering in an excellent manner.


Mentions of the Degree in Energy Engineering

The Degree in Energy Engineering allows specialization in three mentions:

  • Energy savings and efficiency

  • Renewable energy

  • Power production systems