Common or Transversal Electives

In common for the three mentions, the center will offer a series of subjects within the “Common electives” category. The list of these subjects is subject to modification. The current offer would be:

Degree in Energy Engineering - common electives

In addition, there is recognition of credits for sports activities, representation or for accreditation of linguistic skills, up to a maximum of 6 credits always within the common or transversal elective module, in accordance with the regulations of the University of Seville


Access route to the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering

This degree does not meet the requirements for access to the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII) established in Order CIN/311/2009 , so graduates in Energy Engineering (GIE) will have to take additional training to access that Master. The training complements are additional subjects to the 120 credits of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering.

From the 2024/25 academic year, access will be to the 2024 plan. Likewise, once the MII has started, you must necessarily take the Industrial Technologies Specialty .