Professional outings

The Degree in Engineering in Electronics, Robotics and Mechatronics is a profession in high demand in an economy like the current one, highly technical and based on knowledge in which innovation plays a fundamental role. For this reason, this engineering is internationally recognized and has been implemented in countries such as the United States, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom and other EU countries.

The training acquired will allow you to plan, design and develop advanced technological projects in the fields of electronics, automatic control, robotics and mechatronics.

Your work will be linked to the technical departments and positions of responsibility of the companies. Furthermore, the systemic training acquired with this degree is especially indicated for management and leadership positions.

You can create your own company or freely practice the profession as an engineering advisor and consultant. You can also opt for Public Administration (official or work staff of the European Union, state, regional and local); technology transfer, development and innovation (public or private centers and innovation and development departments of large companies), and teaching.