Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering

Masters Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering | Etsi

Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering (MICCP)

The Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering aims to guarantee the acquisition of the skills, established in Ministerial Order CIN/309/2009, necessary to practice the profession of Civil, Canal and Port Engineer. Scientific and technical training is pursued so that future professionals can meet the needs of industry and administration; research and development in the fields of civil engineering, and technological transfer to different sectors of society. The skills acquired in this Master are the following:

  • Scientific-technical and methodological training for the continuous recycling of knowledge and the exercise of professional functions of advice, analysis, design, calculation, project, planning, direction, management, construction, maintenance, conservation and exploitation in the fields of civil engineering .
  • Understanding of the multiple technical, legal and property conditions that arise in the project of a public work, and the ability to establish different valid alternatives, choose the optimal one and translate it appropriately, foreseeing the problems of its construction, and using the most appropriate methods and technologies, both traditional and innovative, with the aim of achieving the greatest efficiency and promoting the progress and development of society that is sustainable and respectful of the environment.
  • Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the necessary legislation in the exercise of the profession of Civil, Canal and Port Engineer.
  • Knowledge of the history of civil engineering and training to analyze and evaluate public works in particular and construction in general.
  • Knowledge of the profession of Civil, Canal and Port Engineer and the activities that can be carried out in the field of civil engineering.
  • Knowledge to apply technical and managerial skills in R&D&I activities within the field of civil engineering.
  • Ability to plan, project, inspect and direct land transport infrastructure works (roads, railways, bridges, tunnels and urban roads) or maritime (port works and facilities).
  • Knowledge of the problems of design and construction of the different elements of an airport and of conservation and operation methods.
  • Ability to plan and manage hydraulic and energy resources, including comprehensive management of the water cycle.
  • Ability to carry out studies on territorial planning, the coastal environment, coastal planning and defense and environmental aspects related to infrastructure.
  • Ability to design, execute and inspect structures (bridges, buildings, etc.), foundation works and underground works for civil use (tunnels, parking lots), and diagnose their integrity.
  • Ability to plan, design and manage infrastructure, as well as its maintenance, conservation and operation.
  • Ability to plan, carry out studies and design surface or underground water collections (Dams, pipelines, pumps).
  • Ability to carry out studies, territorial planning and urban planning plans and urbanization projects.
  • Ability to evaluate and environmentally condition infrastructure works in projects, construction, rehabilitation and conservation.
  • Ability to plan and execute water purification treatments, including desalination, and purification. Collection and treatment of waste (urban, industrial or even dangerous).
  • Ability to apply business management techniques and labor legislation.
  • Adequate knowledge of the scientific and technological aspects of mathematical, analytical and numerical methods of engineering, fluid mechanics, mechanics of continuous media, calculation of structures, terrain engineering, maritime engineering, hydraulic works and uses and linear works.