Teaching planning


The Master is configured as a degree of 120 ECTS (two academic years) and without specialties. The temporal distribution of the subjects is as follows:

Masters Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering | Etsi


Engineering Leveling in Roads, Canals and Ports Optional

Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering | Etsi

Elective subjects with an asterisk (*) are taught in the first semester.

In addition to the subjects in the table, company internships are offered as electives. They can be taken as subjects of 5, 10 or 15 ECTS credits. The student must ensure that they have been assigned a company before enrolling. To do this, you must contact the ETSi external relations service .

Elective leveling subjects may only be taken if established by the Master's Academic Committee. To guarantee a homogeneous training profile of the graduates of this master's curriculum, it may be necessary to direct enrollment to graduates in Civil Engineering from the University of Seville who have completed mobility, to graduates in Civil Engineering from other universities or graduates. in degrees that qualify for the exercise of the profession of Technical Engineer of Public Works, of a part of the general elective with the objective that all graduates have a common profile, regardless of their origin. Thus, the Academic Committee will establish, depending on the degree of origin, always comparing the academic record of the student from the various degrees with access to the master's degree, with the comprehensive training and training objectives of the group formed by the reference degree and the Master's Degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering, the optional subjects of the leveling module that the student must take.

Additionally, in addition to the leveling subjects, for those who access while in possession of another degree that does not comply with the requirements of Order CIN/309/2009, the Academic Commission of the Master may establish the training complements that it deems appropriate, additional to the 120 ECTS.