Applications for recognition of credits for participation in sports activities

Applications for recognition of credits for participation in sports activities

Students' participation in sports activities organized by the Sports Activities Service of the University of Seville ( SADUS ), as well as in national or international university sports competitions, and for holding the consideration of a high-level and high-performance athlete, in accordance with the provisions of article 2 of Royal Decree 971/2007.

  • Students can combine the different activities that are valued in points.
  • 40 points must be earned (the points are added for the activities carried out). For every 40 points obtained, 1 ECTS will be obtained. (See the scoring table).
  • To get 40 points (in the case of internal competitions) you cannot have sanctions for aggressive behavior (VERY SERIOUS OFFENSES).
  • There is a maximum of 120 points per course and 6 ECTS on your academic record per degree.
  • The minimum of 40 points must be met in the academic year being taken and points are not accumulated for subsequent courses.
  • 2 extra points will be added per game played, which is held on a Saturday, in relation to the indicated sections.

High-level and high-performance athletes must first contact SADUS to register as such.

ECTS points equivalence table / Credits for sporting activity
Total points Credits
0-39 0
40-79 1
80-119 2
120 or more 3

It will be necessary to present the following documentation to the School Secretary:

  • Duly completed application. It will not be necessary to provide any proof.

More information on credits for sports activities

The maximum number of elective credits of the common block to be recognized for university cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity, cooperation, language accreditations and sports activities is 6 during the course of the studies.

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