Applications for language credit recognition

Applications for language credit recognition

The recognition of credits in Degree studies for having accredited linguistic competences in languages ​​of the European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​must follow the following process:

  1. The student must request accreditation of linguistic skills at a specific level and language at the Language Institute of the University of Seville.
  2. Once granted by the Language Institute, the student will be able to consult it in the Virtual Secretariat.
  3. From this moment on, the student will go to the School Secretary to submit the request for recognition of the credits that correspond to the accredited level and language. It will not be necessary to provide any proof.


  • B2 level of English: 4.5 credits in GITI, GITT, GIQ, GIA and GIC (English in Engineering).
  • B2 level of English: 3 credits in GIOI, GIEN and GIERM.
  • For each level higher than B2 of English: 3 credits.
  • For each level of a second language: 3 credits (minimum B1 and B1 in English must be accredited

The maximum number of elective credits of the common block to be recognized for university cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity, cooperation, language accreditations and sports activities is 6 during the course of the studies.

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