Registration guide for the 2025/26 course
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New students
The following figures show the recommended timing depending on your original degree.
Teaching in English : All subjects (except common electives) have at least one group taught in English. You can check the group schedule in English here .
Students from GITI generalists (consult the different specialties offered )
Students will be able to consult the schedule of the subjects of specialties 1 and 3-10 at the time of the degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering (GITI) ( Link ), since this year, exceptionally, they will be taken with a grade calendar. Specialty 2 does appear at the Master's schedule by having the normal calendar.
Students from GITI-US plan 2010
Students from degrees at the Andalucía Tech Campus (US-UMA)
Students from degrees that give access to the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer
Specialty Optional (light gray subject) : 5 ECTS
Students from generalist GITI can take as specialty electives one of the options indicated in the specialty chosen by the student ( link ).
Students who study industrial technologies can study as specialty all the subjects offered from the specialties of the master's degree, except for the specialty of industrial technologies and which corresponds to their training in the degree of origin.
Common electives (strong yellow subjects) : 10 ECTS
All students can freely choose between the following subjects (students taking any of these subjects must take into account the previous training required in their access level):
Any subject of the master's specialties which are taught in the C2 ), except for the specialty that is already studying . Only if the student is studying the Industrial Technologies: These subjects are worth both as specific as common and optional options.
Specific common optional subjects of the Master from among the following offer, all of 5 credits and C2:
Forensic Engineering: Selection and Characterization of Materials
Professional practice of Engineering
Integral cycle of industrial plants
Projects and Integrated Management of Works in Industrial Engineering
Business Management Systems
Transportation Engineering
Advanced design in PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) environments
Communication Techniques and Professional Skills
Project and Maintenance of Electrical Installations
Energy Storage Systems
subjects from other ETSi master's degrees from the following offer, all of 5 credits and from C2:
Transitory and dynamic analysis of electrical systems (it must proceed from a degree with training in electrical engineering to be able to study it)
Application of computational methods to mechanical design (it must proceed from a degree with training in mechanical engineering to be able to study it)
Control of distribution systems (it must proceed from a degree with automatic engineering training to be able to study it)
Vehicle control (it must proceed from a degree with automatic engineering training to be able to study it)
Multiculturo systems dynamics (it must come from a degree with training in mechanical engineering to be able to study it)
Advanced design and management of supply chains (it must proceed from a grade with training in organization engineering to be able to study it)
Fundamentals and simulation of manufacturing processes (it must proceed from a degree with training in mechanical engineering to be able to study it)
Advanced fracture and fatigue mechanics (it must proceed from a degree with mechanical engineering training to be able to study it)
Mechanics of advanced materials (it must proceed from a degree with training in mechanical engineering to be able to study it)
Micro and Nano Electronic A (must proceed from a degree with training in electronic engineering to be able to study it)
Optimization and control in energy systems (it must proceed from a degree with automatic engineering training to be able to study it)
Perception in automatic and robotics (it must proceed from a degree with automatic engineering training to be able to study it)
Transitory in electrical machines and drives (it must proceed from a degree with training in electrical engineering to be able to study it)
curricular practices or recognize extracurricular practices, professional experience or stays in research centers (up to 10 credits).
Students continuing their studies
Teaching in English : all subjects (except electives) have at least one group taught in English. You can check the group schedule in English here .
Students who continue their studies in the master's degree can choose their specialty and common electives among the subjects offered to new students (students taking any of these subjects must take into account the prior training required in their access degree). .
Students from GITI-US plan 2010
They can request the corresponding recognitions for their mention in the GITI 2010. See table .