The specialties of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville are:
All specialties are made up of 7 subjects of 5 ECTS. The name of the specialty is specifically indicated on the degree diploma, as well as on the student's academic record and the European Degree Supplement (SET).
Specialties 1-10 may be taken by students from a General Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering. These specialties allow the student to delve deeper into some of the areas of industrial engineering.
Specialty 11 (Industrial Technologies) is focused on students who come from a specialist degree, that is, students who have taken a mention/intensification in their degree of origin. This specialty consists of different itineraries designed specifically to adapt to the needs of each student depending on their degree of access. By taking this specialty, the student will level up their training in the rest of the areas of industrial engineering that they did not study in the degree. This specialty is mandatory for the GITI-US 2010 plan.