Professional outings

The Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering enables you to plan, execute and direct all types of facilities and operations corresponding to different areas.

Your work will be linked to positions of responsibility in companies, in any of their departments. And you will be able to develop it in the industrial sector in tasks of technical direction and business management, product design, project implementation and management, construction and industrial facilities, production, maintenance, mechanics, quality control.

You can also work in the service sector, in construction and installation companies, engineering, consulting, expert reports, marketing and commercial management, occupational risk prevention, etc.

You can create your own company or freely practice the profession as an engineering advisor and consultant. You can also opt for Public Administration (official or work staff of the European Union, state, regional and local); technology transfer, development and innovation (public or private centers and innovation and development departments of large companies), and teaching

Graduates are specially trained to act, carry out or direct organizations and jobs in the economic, industrial, statistical, social and labor spheres, such as:

  • The verification, analysis and chemical, mechanical and electrical testing of materials, elements and installations.
  • Intervention in industrial property matters.
  • Carrying out topographical work, surveys, appraisals and demarcations.
  • Opinions, expert opinions and reports and technical actions in judicial, official and private matters.
  • The construction of industrial buildings and their annexes.
  • Auxiliary industrial applications in urban construction.
  • Research in specific centers.
  • Teaching at the secondary and university levels.
  • How many jobs are entrusted to them at any given time by current legislation.

The training acquired will allow you to occupy positions in the technical teams of private companies or public institutions, as well as project, design and develop advanced technologies.