Adaptation to the GITI-US Plan 2024



Students of the 2010 plan of the Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering who wish to change to the 2024 plan must submit the application in person at the ETSi Secretariat or electronically through the Electronic Headquarters of the University of Seville, attaching the model provided. indicated below.

Deadline to request a change of plan (adaptation to the GITI-US plan 2024) for the 2024/25 academic year:

  • from July 5 to August 14, 2024.
    New deadlines will be opened for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 courses.

Adaptation Request Form to the 2024 plan: download

Once the file is created in the 2024 plan, students will receive an email from the Secretariat announcing the registration period (predictably between September 2 and 6, 2024).

To make it easier to complete the adaptation request, you can find some examples here:

Example 1 : student who during the 2023/24 academic year has taken subjects with specializations other than his own with the aim of facilitating his adaptation to the 2024 plan.

Example 2 : student with a mention who has completed 3rd year in 2023/24.

If you want to consult the list of specific electives for GITI-US-2024 (gray), it is available in the Study Plan .


The subject adaptation table can be found here . In the following links you can find relevant information about the information sessions that have been held at the ETSi.

Information session July 2023: general aspects.

Information session January 2024: should I change to the 2024 plan?

Information session February 2024: 1st year students in GITI-2010.


See GITI-US 2010 termination schedule.


Frequently asked questions for students of GITI-US plan 2010

  • I'm going on mobility (for example, Erasmus) in 2024/25 and I don't know if the new plan affects me for the mobility agreement, what do I do?

If you go on mobility in 2024/25, you should stay in the GITI-US plan 2010, at least that year. You will be able to pass the subjects of your plan at the destination center, even if they no longer have teaching at the ETSi. In the event that you subsequently change to the 2024 plan, the subjects passed in mobility are recognized/adapted as if they had been passed in the ETSi.  


  • I want to go on Erasmus, but not in 2024/25 but later, and I don't know if changing to the GITI-US 2024 plan would affect me negatively.

In the new plan, the destinations offered and the mobility conditions will be the same as the current ones. Therefore, you should not have any qualms about changing your plan. Furthermore, given that the new plan is general, it will, in general, be easier to draw up the study agreement with the destination university.


  • I am going to change to the GITI-US 2024 plan in 2024/25, will I be able to apply for the 3rd call?

If you can. Exceptionally, you can apply for this call if you had been enrolled in the equivalent subject in 2023/24. The agenda will be that corresponding to the GITI-US plan 2010. Important: you must request it at the Secretariat. More information in the GITI-US plan 2024 enrollment guide .


  • If I change to the GITI-US 2024 plan, will the "spent" calls for the subjects that I did not pass in the 2010 plan be saved?

No. When you change to the 2024 plan, the number of calls restarts. Therefore, for all subjects it will be as if it were the first time you take it (no call has been spent).


  • If when I adapt to the GITI-US plan 2024 the subjects that are recognized (adapted) change the number of credits, what happens?

[ UPDATED ] If when you adapt to the new plan an adapted subject has fewer credits than the original subject of the 2010 plan, those remaining credits will be recognized as school electives (yellow). Important: you must indicate it in the adaptation request . If the balance is negative, nothing will happen.


a) I have passed the GITI-US 2010 plan: "Mathematics I", "General Chemistry" and "Statistics and Operations Research". I may request the remainder of 1.5 credits for "General Chemistry" (adapted by "Chemistry") in the application (point 3).

b) I have passed the GITI-US 2010 plan: "Mathematics I", "General Chemistry" and "Physics II". I may request the remainder of 1.5 credits for "General Chemistry" (adapted by "Chemistry") in the application (point 3).

c) I have passed the GITI-US 2010 plan: "Mathematics I", "Physics II" and "Statistics and Operations Research". No problem. I don't have to indicate anything in the application.


  • When I adapt to the GITI-US plan 2024, there are annual subjects that correspond to two quarterly subjects of the GITI-US plan 2010. What happens if I only have one of them approved?

We are talking about 3 subjects of the GITI-US plan 2024:

  1. Differential and integral calculus (1st)

  2. Thermal Engineering (3rd)

  3. Electrical Technology (3rd)

We are going to use Thermal Engineering as an example, but it is applicable to the other 2. Thermal Engineering of the GITI-US plan 2024 is recognized by Heat Transmission + Energy Technology of the GITI-US plan 2010. If you only have passed Heat Transmission, when you adapt to the 2024 plan you will only have to take and pass the Thermal Engineering partial that corresponds to the other subject (in this case the second partial would be equivalent to Energy Technology). When you pass it, your grade in the subject will be the average of that partial and Heat Transmission.


  • If in the 2023/24 academic year I am in the first year and I am going to adapt to the 2024 plan (in the 2024/25 academic year I will already be in the 2024 plan), do I have to go to the 1st year classes (in the morning)?

No. Since the subject Fundamentals of Materials Science moves from 2nd to 1st in the 2024 plan, exceptionally 3 additional groups of Fundamentals of Materials Science will be offered with afternoon hours for the 2024/25 academic year. These groups have a schedule compatible with the 2nd year subjects of the 2024 plan. Here you can see the schedules (the subjects of the 2010 plans - in green - and 2024 - in white - are shown in the same pdf to facilitate your registration).


  • I am not going to adapt to the GITI-US plan 2024. How does all this change affect my access to the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)?

 In the 2024/25 academic year, the MII-US plan 2024 will be in force. You will be able to continue accessing the MII with the PARS , since this is not affected by the change in plan.


  • I want to adapt to the GITI-US plan 2024, but I will do it in 2025/26 (or even later). Can I enroll in the next course of subjects from the GITI-US plan 2010 by mixing several mentions?

Yes. As you are going to adapt to the new plan, you can take the subjects that best suit you in the adaptation. Take into account the possible coincidence of dates for the exams of the calls. Please consult the adaptation table .


  • If I do not adapt to the GITI-US plan 2024, what is the last course in which I can enroll in subjects from my study plan (GITI-US plan 2010)?

According to US regulations, the last course in which you can register will be:

 last course in which you can enroll
compulsory subjects for 1-3rd grade in GITI-US 20102026/27
4th year subjects in GITI-US 2010 (except *)2027/28
* 4th grade subjects in GITI-US 2010 without equivalence in the 2024 plans2028/29

You must bear in mind that if it were the case that you had a subject pending (you have not passed it) and you could no longer enroll, you will not be able to finish in the 2010 plan.

For example, if you had "Heat Transmission" (3rd GITI-US plan 2010) pending at the end of the 2026/27 academic year, you would not be able to finish the GITI-US 2010 study plan, since it will not be possible to enroll in that subject in the course 2027/28 (nor in subsequent courses).