Professional outings

The title of Graduate in Civil Engineering from the University of Seville leads to the regulated profession of Technical Engineer of Public Works in one of the three following specialties: Civil Constructions;

Hydrology; Transport and Urban Services. The training acquired will allow you to occupy positions in the technical teams of private companies or public institutions, as well as design and develop constructions and civil works of all types using advanced technologies.

You will be able to work in construction, infrastructure design and management companies, engineering consultancies, construction materials and quality control companies, energy production, maintenance and operation of services.

Technology transfer, development and innovation, public or private centers and innovation and development departments of large companies, is another option.

You will also be able to freely practice the profession by creating your own engineering studio to calculate and design structures and constructions, carry out the direction and inspection of works, their quality control, studies and projects, management of public works machinery and construction materials. construction, appraisals, risk prevention, acting as an advisor or consultant, etc.

You will be able to create your own company to develop and market construction products and technologies, carrying out works, etc.

Finally, you can opt for Public Administration: civil servant or employee of the European Union, or of the state, regional or local administration, or for teaching.

The professional profiles of Civil Engineering range from communication and transportation routes to construction, passing through ports and coasts, hydraulics and energy, urban planning and territorial planning. Among the characteristic professional activities of Civil Engineering, the following can be highlighted:

  • In the section of communication and transport routes: Roads, highways, tunnels, transport interchanges, railways, passenger and freight stations, gas pipelines and funiculars.
  • In the area of ​​ports and coasts: All types of ports, docks, docking docks, anchoring facilities, navigable waterways, dry docks, lighthouses, and even the creation and conservation of beaches and studies waves, currents or environmental impact.
  • In the area of ​​hydraulics and energy: Dams and reservoirs, aqueducts, surface and underground water collections, purification stations, treatment plants, desalination plants, supply and sewage networks, irrigation infrastructures, discharges into channels, hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear, both in the implementation of a project and in its construction or repair.
  • In the field of urban planning, territorial planning and the environment: Street paving projects, waste collection and treatment (urban, industrial and even hazardous waste), general and partial urban planning plans and environmental impact studies.
  • In the building area: All types of foundations, structures (reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, metal), design and construction of silos, parking lots, hospitals, stadiums, sports fields and sports complexes. Also the project and management of construction materials manufacturing, studies related to the mechanics of soil and rocks, the impermeability and resistance of the terrain, and the environmental impact of the works.