Common or Transversal Electives

Commonly for all mentions, the center will offer a series of subjects within the “ Common electives ” category. The list of these subjects is subject to modification. The current offer is:

Degree in Chemical Engineering Common or transversal electives | Etsi Seville

In addition, there is recognition of credits for sports activities, representation or for accreditation of linguistic skills, up to a maximum of 6cr. always within the common or transversal optional module, in accordance with the regulations of the University of Seville .

When it comes to language recognition, it is worth distinguishing the two modalities already mentioned:

  • If the B2 level of English is accredited, recognition of the non-taught subject “English in Engineering” of 4.5 credits can be requested.
  • If levels higher than B2 in English (C1 or C2) or levels higher than B1 in other languages ​​included in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) are accredited, 3 credits may be recognized for each level accredited, up to a maximum of 6 , always counted within the Common Optativity block, which has a maximum of 9 credits in total.