Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering

Professional and Academic Outings

Professional and Academic Outings

Professional outings

The professional activities of the Chemical Engineer range from the chemical industry itself (petrochemical, polymers, paper, fiber and fabric industry, etc.) to other related sectors, such as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food or environmental.
In our immediate environment, the aerospace industry and the mining and extractive industry also receive numerous graduates in this branch of engineering. The training you receive allows you to hold positions in engineering, design or consulting companies, technical, legal or commercial advice, and in administration.
You also have the possibility of exercising freely and preparing opinions and expert opinions or accessing public education at the secondary and university education levels. Another important field is safety and prevention of occupational risks in all types of industrial facilities. In the very important field of Environmental Management, you can carry out tasks of planning, research, development, construction, installation and operation of equipment and systems for the management and treatment of effluents, waste and contaminated soils and, in general, minimization of environmental impacts and optimization of environmental management or with recovery and valorization processes of residual materials.



