Access and Academic Regulations


New admission places: 18

Title code: 4316622

Recommended Profile :
The Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Seville is the official university degree that has been used as a reference for the design of the study plan for the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering .
Consequently, this is considered the reference degree for the Master's Degree and its graduates have access without training complements to the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Seville. Notwithstanding the above, the specific conditions of access to this master's degree are described and included in the Resolution of June 8, 2009, of the General Secretariat of Universities, by which the Agreement of the Council of Universities is publicized, by which Recommendations are established for the universities to propose reports for applications for official degrees in the fields of Computer Engineering, Technical Computer Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

Access Requirement:
Requirements for access to University Master's Degrees and admission procedure

How to access:
Information about the pre-registration process, dates, etc.


Credit recognition regulations:
Credit recognition and transfer regulations

Permanence rules:
Access the rules for student permanence at the University of Seville

Enrollment rules:
Access the enrollment rules for Bachelor's and Master's studies

Evaluation and Grading Standards:
Access the evaluation and grading regulations of the subjects