Access and admission

  • Anyone who has previously acquired the skills set out in section 3 of the Ministerial Order establishing the requirements for the verification of official university degrees linked to the Master's Degree linked to the exercise of the profession of Chemical Engineer may access the Master's Degree linked to the exercise of the profession of Chemical Engineer. exercise of the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer, and their training must be in accordance with that established in section 5 of the aforementioned order, all referring to the Specific Technology module of Industrial Chemistry.
  • Likewise, access to the Master will be allowed when the degree title of the interested party covers the skills included in the basic and common training modules for the industrial branch of section 5 of the Ministerial Order that establishes the requirements for verification. of official university degrees linked to the exercise of the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer. In this case, the necessary complements must be taken to guarantee the skills included in the industrial chemistry block of the aforementioned order.
  • Likewise, those who hold any other degree may access this Master's Degree, without prejudice to the establishment of any prior training complements deemed necessary in this case.

In accordance with the regulations of the University of Seville for university master's degrees, the admission process for the master's degree is the responsibility of the center responsible for the master's degree, which will establish the selection criteria, always respecting the principles of merit and equal opportunities.

If there are more applications than places, they will be ordered according to an evaluation that
will take into account the following criteria:

  • Academic record.
  • Preference level of the student's access qualification.
  • Curriculum Vitae, assessing work experience and other additional studies that the student may have and, in particular, language knowledge. This assessment will be carried out by the Academic Committee of the Master.

Having ordered the students who request admission according to the aforementioned assessment criteria, as many applicants as there are places offered will be admitted, in strict order of priority.

In the event of resignations, applicants not selected in the first instance will be eligible for admission, again according to their order of merit. Specifically, the Academic Committee will give priority to graduates in Chemical Engineering from the ETSi, given that this degree has been used as a reference for the design of the study plan for the Master of Telecommunications Engineering.

The entry and enrollment procedure is regulated by the Andalusian Single District Agreement.